Select Board Meeting Minutes Thursday, January 2nd 2025

Thursday January 2nd, 2025


-Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford, C. Pert and B. Duffy present. Also, in attendance; D. Ford, David Carter, J. Wetterskog, Sonny Ford and Eric Howe and present online: L. Dow and R. Colburn

-Reviewed and signed Treasurer’s warrant

-Read and approve minutes from 12/19 meeting: Motion and 2nd to accept as written. 3-0 approved.


CEO report deferred to guests of the meeting: Sonny Ford discussed with the board some concerns he had about the allowed use of the public landing at Billing’s Cove. The Select Board agreed to review the documentation of ownership and make a plan for the possibility of a survey as well as putting up signage. 


Jerry W. regarding Comp Plan- Jerry reminded the board that a decision needed to be made about goals/project concept: water testing, from the comp plan survey. Susan recommended that water tests be made available at the town office. Jerry’s recommendation was that education would be a good start. Making the information available to the town’s people regarding their options for well testing. He also stated that the final draft would not be available for review/approval for this coming town meeting. But once the draft is completed there would need to be one if not two informational meetings regarding the version to be voted on. 


See Duane’s notes


David attended his meeting with the truck committee to look over the specs for the new fire truck. They looked good, had a couple of changes. Check was written for the cab and chasse. Still waiting on invoice for tire repair. 


  1. Appoint Registrar: Every January of the odd numbered year a new registrar of voters must be appointed. Motion and 2nd to appoint Cindy Reilly until March. 3-0 approved.
  2. MOSES to be set up and used under one account: MOSES is the program that the clerks use to issue Boat/atv/snowmobiles as well as hunting/fishing licenses. The town of Sedgwick has been using two separate ID numbers for this. Going forward the two will be combined and all clerks will be using one ID with separate logins to do any of their IFW business.
  3. Clerk to attend January 16th meeting to over prep work for new clerk: Susan has asked Cindy to come to the January 16th meeting to discuss the items needed to make her departure smoother.


Eric Howe is a new resident of the Town of Sedgwick. He and his wife moved here in August 2024. He came to the meeting to introduce himself and to let everyone know that he was running for schoolboard. He has an extensive background in teaching and is looking forward to serving if elected and thanked everyone for their support.



Motioned and 2nd to adjourn. Approved 3-0 @6:39pm



Respectfully Submitted by,

Lyndsey Dow; Select Board Assistant

Approved 3-0 01/06/2025