Planning Board Minutes, March 11, 2008 The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Sedgwick Town Office at 7 pm on March 11, 2008. Present were Chairman Palmer Little, Planning Board members Sylvia Wardwell, Secretary, David Webb, John Allen, Victor Smith and Alternate James Wood. Also present were Selectmen Nelson Grindal, and Tom O’Connor, CEO […] 12:33:322015-11-02 15:41:31Planning Board, Tues., March 11, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting March 11, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant, Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the March 6, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Selectmen discussed fixing the base of the flag pole at the town house. It appears rotted […] 06:08:352015-11-02 15:43:42Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Mar. 11, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting March 6, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O’Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant, Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer, Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of the March 4, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Reviewed and approved the treasurer’s warrant (#36) in the amount of $86,555.71. $59,925.20 of that […] 13:16:282015-11-02 15:43:42Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Mar. 6, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting March 4, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other Participants: Selectman’s assistant, Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the February 28, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. The town has received the preliminary school subsidy numbers from the State. Those figures indicated a $200,000 reduction. Selectmen […] 10:19:132015-11-02 15:43:42Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Mar. 4, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 28, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectmen’s assistant Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the February 26, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Reviewed and approved the Treasurers warrant (#35) in the amount of $50,270.41. Maine Emergency Management Agency has notified the town […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 26, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectmen’s assistant, Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the February 21, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Selectmen agreed to give Engineer Andrew McCullough approval to develop a cost estimate on the road going to the […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 21, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Town Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Selectmen’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Fire Chief David Carter. Approved the minutes of the February 19, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Approved the treasurer’s warrant #34, in the amount of $158,233.83. […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 19, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s Assistant Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the February 14, 2008 selectman’s meeting. Reviewed and made changes to a legal document which outlines a road maintenance agreement between the town and other […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 14, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present, Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectmen’s Assistant Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of the February 12, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Approved the treasurer’s warrant #33 in the amount of $103,509.60. $91,517.99 […]
Planning Board meeting Feb. 12, 2008 The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Sedgwick Town Office on Tues., Feb. 12 for its monthly meeting. Present were Chairman Palmer Little, Board members Victor Smith, Sylvia Wardwell, David Webb, John Allen. Also present were Jim and Nada Lepper, Selectmen Nelson Grindal and Tom O’Connor, Assistant […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectman’s Meeting February 12, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s Assistant Barbara Grindle, Fire Chief David Carter and Fire Department member Matt Dennison. Approved the minutes of the February 7, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Approved the purchase of two picnic tables for the […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 7, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectmen’s Assistant, Barbara Grindle,, Town Clerk/Treasurer, Cindy Reilly, and Budget committee members; Steve Toby, Horace Wardwell, Bill Donnell and Paul Trowbridge. Approved the minutes of the February 5, 2008 selectmen’s minutes. 2. Selectmen […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 5, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant, Barbara Grindle and Tax collector, Belinda Pert. Approved the minutes of the January 31, 2008, selectman’s meeting. Belinda Pert discussed ways to set up payment schedules for delinquent tax payers. […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 31, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of the January 29, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Approved the treasurer’s warrant (#31) in the amount of $8,452.90. At 7:00PM a special […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 29, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Approved the minutes of the January 24, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Selectmen reviewed the recently received auditor’s report, which covers the 06/07 fiscal year. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00PM Respectfully submitted, Tom O'Connor Third […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 24, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle, Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. School superintendent Bob Webster, School committee members, Clair Grindal and Jan Anderson. Budget committee members Chairman Steve Toby, Bill Donnell and Paul Trowbridge. Selectmen approved the […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 22, 2008 Tuesday 3:30 PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the January 17, 2008, selectman’s meeting. Selectmen discussed holding a joint public hearing concerning the sale of half of the town’s Walker Pond property. […] 14:19:492015-11-02 15:43:43Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Jan 22, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 17, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Budget committee members Steve Toby and Bill Donnell.Town House building committee members Linda Long, Barbara Grindle .Dick Doane and Doug McMillan. Fire chief David Carter and Town Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of […]
The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office on Tuesday, Jan. 8 for their regularly scheduled meeting. Present were Chairman of the Board Palmer Little, members David Webb, Sylvia Wardwell, alternate Jim Wood. Also present were CEO Duane Ford, Brian Kelly, Clifford Goodall, Selectmen Tom O'Connor and Nelson Grindal, and Jon Thomas from the […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectman’s Meeting January 15, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Access Committee members, Neil Davis Basil Bowden, Barbara Grindle and Diane Kornmeir. Approved the minutes of the January 10, 2008 selectman’s meeting. Selectmen and access committee members discussed details of the purposed sale […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 10, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Fire Chief David Carter, Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Town clerk, Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of the January 8, 2008 selectman’s meeting. Chief Carter discussed specifications for the new fire truck. He […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 8, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O’Connor. Other participants: Access Committee Members, Neil Davis, Basil Bowden and Diane Kornmeir. Code enforcement officer Duane Ford. Approved the minutes of the January 3, 2008 selectman’s meeting. Selectmen and access […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting Thursday January 3, 2008 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s Assistant Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. Richard Goldsby and Barbara Osborn. Approved the minutes of the December 27, 2007 selectmen’s meeting. There was no meeting on January 1. Reviewed and approved […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting December 27, 2007 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal and Tom O'Connor. Other participants; Selectman’s Assistant Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the December 20, 2007 selectman’s meeting. There was no meeting on the 25th due to the Christmas holiday. Reviewed and approved the Treasurers warrant (#26) in the […]
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectman’s Meeting December 20, 2007 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present, Nelson Grindal and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of the December 18, 2007 selectmen’s meeting. Approved the treasurer’s warrant (#25) in the amount of $59,133.80. $48,867.27 of that amount was for school […]
Planning Board, Tues., March 11, 2008
Planning Board Minutes, March 11, 2008 The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Sedgwick Town Office at 7 pm on March 11, 2008. Present were Chairman Palmer Little, Planning Board members Sylvia Wardwell, Secretary, David Webb, John Allen, Victor Smith and Alternate James Wood. Also present were Selectmen Nelson Grindal, and Tom O’Connor, CEO […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Mar. 11, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting March 11, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant, Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the March 6, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Selectmen discussed fixing the base of the flag pole at the town house. It appears rotted […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Mar. 6, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting March 6, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O’Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant, Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer, Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of the March 4, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Reviewed and approved the treasurer’s warrant (#36) in the amount of $86,555.71. $59,925.20 of that […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Mar. 4, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting March 4, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other Participants: Selectman’s assistant, Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the February 28, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. The town has received the preliminary school subsidy numbers from the State. Those figures indicated a $200,000 reduction. Selectmen […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Feb. 28, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 28, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectmen’s assistant Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the February 26, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Reviewed and approved the Treasurers warrant (#35) in the amount of $50,270.41. Maine Emergency Management Agency has notified the town […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Feb. 26, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 26, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectmen’s assistant, Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the February 21, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Selectmen agreed to give Engineer Andrew McCullough approval to develop a cost estimate on the road going to the […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Feb. 21, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 21, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Town Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Selectmen’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Fire Chief David Carter. Approved the minutes of the February 19, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Approved the treasurer’s warrant #34, in the amount of $158,233.83. […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Feb. 19, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 19, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s Assistant Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the February 14, 2008 selectman’s meeting. Reviewed and made changes to a legal document which outlines a road maintenance agreement between the town and other […]
Selectmen’s Minutes Thursday Feb. 14, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 14, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present, Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectmen’s Assistant Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of the February 12, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Approved the treasurer’s warrant #33 in the amount of $103,509.60. $91,517.99 […]
Planning board Minutes, Tues., Feb. 12, 2008
Planning Board meeting Feb. 12, 2008 The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Sedgwick Town Office on Tues., Feb. 12 for its monthly meeting. Present were Chairman Palmer Little, Board members Victor Smith, Sylvia Wardwell, David Webb, John Allen. Also present were Jim and Nada Lepper, Selectmen Nelson Grindal and Tom O’Connor, Assistant […]
Selectmen’s Meeting, Tues., Feb. 12, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectman’s Meeting February 12, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s Assistant Barbara Grindle, Fire Chief David Carter and Fire Department member Matt Dennison. Approved the minutes of the February 7, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Approved the purchase of two picnic tables for the […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Feb. 7, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 7, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectmen’s Assistant, Barbara Grindle,, Town Clerk/Treasurer, Cindy Reilly, and Budget committee members; Steve Toby, Horace Wardwell, Bill Donnell and Paul Trowbridge. Approved the minutes of the February 5, 2008 selectmen’s minutes. 2. Selectmen […]
Selectmen’s Minutes Tues., Feb. 5, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting February 5, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant, Barbara Grindle and Tax collector, Belinda Pert. Approved the minutes of the January 31, 2008, selectman’s meeting. Belinda Pert discussed ways to set up payment schedules for delinquent tax payers. […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Jan. 31, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 31, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of the January 29, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Approved the treasurer’s warrant (#31) in the amount of $8,452.90. At 7:00PM a special […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Jan. 29, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 29, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Approved the minutes of the January 24, 2008 selectmen’s meeting. Selectmen reviewed the recently received auditor’s report, which covers the 06/07 fiscal year. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00PM Respectfully submitted, Tom O'Connor Third […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Jan. 24, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 24, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle, Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. School superintendent Bob Webster, School committee members, Clair Grindal and Jan Anderson. Budget committee members Chairman Steve Toby, Bill Donnell and Paul Trowbridge. Selectmen approved the […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Jan 22, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 22, 2008 Tuesday 3:30 PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the January 17, 2008, selectman’s meeting. Selectmen discussed holding a joint public hearing concerning the sale of half of the town’s Walker Pond property. […]
Selectmen’s Meeting, Thurs.,Jan. 17, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 17, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Budget committee members Steve Toby and Bill Donnell.Town House building committee members Linda Long, Barbara Grindle .Dick Doane and Doug McMillan. Fire chief David Carter and Town Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of […]
Planning Board Minutes, Tues., Jan. 8, 2008
The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office on Tuesday, Jan. 8 for their regularly scheduled meeting. Present were Chairman of the Board Palmer Little, members David Webb, Sylvia Wardwell, alternate Jim Wood. Also present were CEO Duane Ford, Brian Kelly, Clifford Goodall, Selectmen Tom O'Connor and Nelson Grindal, and Jon Thomas from the […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Jan. 15, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectman’s Meeting January 15, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Access Committee members, Neil Davis Basil Bowden, Barbara Grindle and Diane Kornmeir. Approved the minutes of the January 10, 2008 selectman’s meeting. Selectmen and access committee members discussed details of the purposed sale […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Jan. 10, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 10, 2008 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Fire Chief David Carter, Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Town clerk, Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of the January 8, 2008 selectman’s meeting. Chief Carter discussed specifications for the new fire truck. He […]
Selectmen’s Minutes Tues Jan. 08,2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting January 8, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O’Connor. Other participants: Access Committee Members, Neil Davis, Basil Bowden and Diane Kornmeir. Code enforcement officer Duane Ford. Approved the minutes of the January 3, 2008 selectman’s meeting. Selectmen and access […]
Selectmen’s Minutes., Thurs., Jan. 3, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting Thursday January 3, 2008 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s Assistant Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. Richard Goldsby and Barbara Osborn. Approved the minutes of the December 27, 2007 selectmen’s meeting. There was no meeting on January 1. Reviewed and approved […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Dec. 27, 2007
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectmen’s Meeting December 27, 2007 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal and Tom O'Connor. Other participants; Selectman’s Assistant Barbara Grindle. Approved the minutes of the December 20, 2007 selectman’s meeting. There was no meeting on the 25th due to the Christmas holiday. Reviewed and approved the Treasurers warrant (#26) in the […]
Selecemen’s Minutes, Thurs., Dec. 20, 2007
Town of Sedgwick Maine Selectman’s Meeting December 20, 2007 Thursday 6:30PM Selectmen present, Nelson Grindal and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. Approved the minutes of the December 18, 2007 selectmen’s meeting. Approved the treasurer’s warrant (#25) in the amount of $59,133.80. $48,867.27 of that amount was for school […]