TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Others present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, Tax Collector Belinda Pert 1) Barbara reported that the assessor’s agent, Matt Caldwell, has been in and finished the spring work. He has left the figures for the tax collector and treasurer […]
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S NOTICE Thursday, June 11, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Others present: Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle. 1) Approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Asked if someone from the Pine Grove Cemetery Association would call for […]
PLANNING BOARD The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 for their regularly scheduled meeting. Present were Board members David Webb, Jim Wood, Sylvia Wardwell, and Chairman Palmer Little. Also present were CEO Duane Ford, Jon and Jane Thomas from the Weekly Packet, Paul Trowbridge and Barbara Grindle. […] 14:45:252015-11-02 15:41:30Planning Board Minutes, June 9, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, June 2, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Palmer Little, Gordon Gianninato, Barbara Grindle 1) Approved minutes from last meeting. 2) Conferred with Planning Board chairman Little on several applications in front of the Planning board. 3) Mr Gianninoto explained to […] 20:06:082015-11-02 15:43:37Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., June 2, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING May 28, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Vice chairman Planning Board Victor Smith, Barbara Grindle, Treasurer Cindy Reilly 1) Mr Smith gave the selectmen an update on the previous night’s Appeals Board meeting. 2) Mr Carter discussed road […] 17:21:402015-11-02 15:43:37Selectmen’s Minutes, May 28, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, May 21, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Discussed minutes from Tuesday meeting. No notes taken by selectmen, no business conducted. 2) Barbara received photos of Punch Bowl Farm barn when it was standing. They will be added to her collection […] 16:35:452015-11-02 15:43:37Selectmen’s Minutes, May 21, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger A quiet afternoon, no business was conducted. Submitted by Barbara from conversation with selectmen. 16:30:492015-11-02 15:43:37Selectmen’s Minutes, May 19, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, May 14, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: John Farraday, Dr. Wilgram, Bette Britt from the Weekly Packet, Cindy Reilly, Barbara Grindle 1) Mr Farraday presented the selectmen with two Blue Spruce seedlings in celebration of Earth Day from the Bagaduce Watershed […] 16:25:482015-11-02 15:43:37Selectmen’s Minutes, May 14, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MINUTES Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Snow Contractor Andy Gray, Barbara Grindle, Assistant 1) Approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Snow contractor was checking to see if salt bids are in and let the selectmen know how much […] 16:00:072015-11-02 15:43:37Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., May 26, 2009
APPEALS BOARD May 27, 2009 Re: Eggemoggin Heights Subdivision Appeal Board members present: Tobey Woodward, Michael Rossney, Steve Tobey, Danny Weed, Chairman Fred Marston. Others present: Palmer Little, Chairman of the Planning Board, Victor Smith, Vice Chairman of the Planning Board, Jon Thomas from the Weekly Packet, Barbara Grindle, assistant to the selectmen and […] 16:40:312016-05-05 16:57:47Appeals Board, May 27, 2009
APPEALS BOARD MAY 20, 2009 Re: Eggemoggin Heights vs Abutters Appeals Board members present: Steve Tobey, Michael Rossney, Tobey Woodward, Danny Weed and Chairman Fred Marston. Also present: Owner Richard Duffy, Attorneys Peter Roy, James Patterson, CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Nelson Grindal, Packet Reporter Jon Thomas and many of the appellants. Barbara Grindle, […] 16:23:262016-05-05 16:58:10Appeals Board, May 20, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK Selectmen’s Meeting Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Fred Marston, Paul Trowbridge, Tom Poole, Barbara Grindle 1) Mr Marston updated the selectmen on the Eggemoggin Heights appeal. 2) Selectmen discussed a letter from the appraiser at Walker Pond. Some of the information was incorrect; […] 13:25:442015-11-02 15:43:37Selectmen’s Minutes, Tuesday, May 12, 2009
PLANNING BOARD MAY 12, 2009 Members present: Chairman Palmer Little, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, John Allen, David Webb and Alternate Jim Wood. Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Nelson Grindal, Assstant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle, Mr and Mrs Jon Thomas, Ricky Spofford, James Paterson, Gordon Gianninoto, Paul Trowbridge. Map 2, Lot 10 – The […] 13:14:522015-11-02 15:41:30Planning Board Minutes, May 12, 2009
ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS May 6, 2009 Appeal of the Eggemoggin Heights Subdivision Board members present: Chairman Fred Marston, Danny Weed, Pam Johnson, alternates Steve Tobey, Michael Rossney and Tobey Woodward. Absent: Tom Schroth and Phil Urban. Also present: Richard Duffy, Attorney Eric Columber, Attorney Jim Patterson, Jon & Jane Thomas from the Packet, T.J. […] 15:37:562016-05-05 16:58:21Board of Appeals, Wed., May 6, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Judy Herrick, Fred Marston, Barbara Grindle 1) President of Pine Grove Cemetery Judy Herrick presented the selectmen with a written request for repair on the road to the cemetery. […] 20:02:342015-11-02 15:43:37Selectmen Minutes, May 5, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Debbie Ciomei, Barbara Grindle 1) Approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Discussed the tarring contract and decided not to sign the contract since very little tarring can be done this year and will […]
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, April 23, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Dates were set for the Planning Board to meet for ordinance changes. 2) There doesn’t seem to be any grant money for the salt/sand shed […]
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, April 21, 2009 There only being one selectman present, no business was conducted. Respectfully submitted Barbara Grindle, Assistant
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, April 16, 2009 There only being one selectman present, no business was conducted. Respectfully submitted Barbara Grindle, Assistant
Planning Board, April 14, 2009 The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office at 7 pm as scheduled. Board members present: Victor Smith, Acting Chairman, David Webb, John Allen, Sylvia Wardwell, Secretary and Alternate James Wood. Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Nelson Grindal, Gordon Gianninoto, Paul Trowbridge, Horace Wardwell, Robert Gray, […] 14:58:522015-11-02 15:41:30Planning Board, April 14, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, April 9, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Others present: Treasurer/Clerk Cindy Reilly, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Approved the minutes from last meeting. 2) Signed treasurers warrant for $19,692.97, 3) Discussed a taxpayer problem regarding the wrong property tax […]
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, April 7, 2009 There being only one selectman present no business was conducted. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Grindle, Assistant
TOWN OF SEDGWICK Selectmen’s Meeting Thursday, April 2, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Others present: Jonathan Thomas, Cindy Reilly, Barbara Grindle 1) Approved the minutes of the previous meeting. 2) Approved and signed appointments for next year. 3) Walker Pond – an independent appraiser has been appointed and […]
SELECTMEN’S MEETING TOWN OF SEDGWICK Thursday, March 26, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Richard Duffy, Board of Appeals Chair Fred Marston, Bette Britt, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle. 1) Approved the minutes of last meeting. 2) Talked with Mr Marston and Mr Duffy about the possible […] 16:04:432015-11-02 15:43:38Selectmen’s Minutes Thurs., Mar. 26, 2009
Appeals Board, Jun. 16, 2009
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Jun. 16, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Others present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, Tax Collector Belinda Pert 1) Barbara reported that the assessor’s agent, Matt Caldwell, has been in and finished the spring work. He has left the figures for the tax collector and treasurer […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Jun. 11, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S NOTICE Thursday, June 11, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Others present: Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle. 1) Approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Asked if someone from the Pine Grove Cemetery Association would call for […]
Planning Board Minutes, June 9, 2009
PLANNING BOARD The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 for their regularly scheduled meeting. Present were Board members David Webb, Jim Wood, Sylvia Wardwell, and Chairman Palmer Little. Also present were CEO Duane Ford, Jon and Jane Thomas from the Weekly Packet, Paul Trowbridge and Barbara Grindle. […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., June 2, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, June 2, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Palmer Little, Gordon Gianninato, Barbara Grindle 1) Approved minutes from last meeting. 2) Conferred with Planning Board chairman Little on several applications in front of the Planning board. 3) Mr Gianninoto explained to […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, May 28, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING May 28, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Vice chairman Planning Board Victor Smith, Barbara Grindle, Treasurer Cindy Reilly 1) Mr Smith gave the selectmen an update on the previous night’s Appeals Board meeting. 2) Mr Carter discussed road […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, May 21, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, May 21, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Discussed minutes from Tuesday meeting. No notes taken by selectmen, no business conducted. 2) Barbara received photos of Punch Bowl Farm barn when it was standing. They will be added to her collection […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, May 19, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger A quiet afternoon, no business was conducted. Submitted by Barbara from conversation with selectmen.
Selectmen’s Minutes, May 14, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, May 14, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: John Farraday, Dr. Wilgram, Bette Britt from the Weekly Packet, Cindy Reilly, Barbara Grindle 1) Mr Farraday presented the selectmen with two Blue Spruce seedlings in celebration of Earth Day from the Bagaduce Watershed […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., May 26, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MINUTES Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Snow Contractor Andy Gray, Barbara Grindle, Assistant 1) Approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Snow contractor was checking to see if salt bids are in and let the selectmen know how much […]
Appeals Board, May 27, 2009
APPEALS BOARD May 27, 2009 Re: Eggemoggin Heights Subdivision Appeal Board members present: Tobey Woodward, Michael Rossney, Steve Tobey, Danny Weed, Chairman Fred Marston. Others present: Palmer Little, Chairman of the Planning Board, Victor Smith, Vice Chairman of the Planning Board, Jon Thomas from the Weekly Packet, Barbara Grindle, assistant to the selectmen and […]
Appeals Board, May 20, 2009
APPEALS BOARD MAY 20, 2009 Re: Eggemoggin Heights vs Abutters Appeals Board members present: Steve Tobey, Michael Rossney, Tobey Woodward, Danny Weed and Chairman Fred Marston. Also present: Owner Richard Duffy, Attorneys Peter Roy, James Patterson, CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Nelson Grindal, Packet Reporter Jon Thomas and many of the appellants. Barbara Grindle, […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tuesday, May 12, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK Selectmen’s Meeting Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Fred Marston, Paul Trowbridge, Tom Poole, Barbara Grindle 1) Mr Marston updated the selectmen on the Eggemoggin Heights appeal. 2) Selectmen discussed a letter from the appraiser at Walker Pond. Some of the information was incorrect; […]
Planning Board Minutes, May 12, 2009
PLANNING BOARD MAY 12, 2009 Members present: Chairman Palmer Little, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, John Allen, David Webb and Alternate Jim Wood. Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Nelson Grindal, Assstant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle, Mr and Mrs Jon Thomas, Ricky Spofford, James Paterson, Gordon Gianninoto, Paul Trowbridge. Map 2, Lot 10 – The […]
Board of Appeals, Wed., May 6, 2009
ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS May 6, 2009 Appeal of the Eggemoggin Heights Subdivision Board members present: Chairman Fred Marston, Danny Weed, Pam Johnson, alternates Steve Tobey, Michael Rossney and Tobey Woodward. Absent: Tom Schroth and Phil Urban. Also present: Richard Duffy, Attorney Eric Columber, Attorney Jim Patterson, Jon & Jane Thomas from the Packet, T.J. […]
Selectmen Minutes, May 5, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Judy Herrick, Fred Marston, Barbara Grindle 1) President of Pine Grove Cemetery Judy Herrick presented the selectmen with a written request for repair on the road to the cemetery. […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Apr. 28, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Debbie Ciomei, Barbara Grindle 1) Approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Discussed the tarring contract and decided not to sign the contract since very little tarring can be done this year and will […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Apr. 23, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, April 23, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Dates were set for the Planning Board to meet for ordinance changes. 2) There doesn’t seem to be any grant money for the salt/sand shed […]
Selectmen’s Meeting, Tues., Apr. 21, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, April 21, 2009 There only being one selectman present, no business was conducted. Respectfully submitted Barbara Grindle, Assistant
Selectmen’s Meeting, Thurs., Apr. 16, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, April 16, 2009 There only being one selectman present, no business was conducted. Respectfully submitted Barbara Grindle, Assistant
Planning Board, April 14, 2009
Planning Board, April 14, 2009 The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office at 7 pm as scheduled. Board members present: Victor Smith, Acting Chairman, David Webb, John Allen, Sylvia Wardwell, Secretary and Alternate James Wood. Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Nelson Grindal, Gordon Gianninoto, Paul Trowbridge, Horace Wardwell, Robert Gray, […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Apr. 9, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Thursday, April 9, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Others present: Treasurer/Clerk Cindy Reilly, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Approved the minutes from last meeting. 2) Signed treasurers warrant for $19,692.97, 3) Discussed a taxpayer problem regarding the wrong property tax […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Apr. 7, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING Tuesday, April 7, 2009 There being only one selectman present no business was conducted. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Grindle, Assistant
Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Apr. 2, 2009
TOWN OF SEDGWICK Selectmen’s Meeting Thursday, April 2, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Others present: Jonathan Thomas, Cindy Reilly, Barbara Grindle 1) Approved the minutes of the previous meeting. 2) Approved and signed appointments for next year. 3) Walker Pond – an independent appraiser has been appointed and […]
Selectmen’s Minutes Thurs., Mar. 26, 2009
SELECTMEN’S MEETING TOWN OF SEDGWICK Thursday, March 26, 2009 Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger Also present: Richard Duffy, Board of Appeals Chair Fred Marston, Bette Britt, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle. 1) Approved the minutes of last meeting. 2) Talked with Mr Marston and Mr Duffy about the possible […]