TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING March 28, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith Also present: Fire Chief David Carter, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Reporter Jennifer Osborn 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $3,861.93; $1,144.57 was for the quarterly workman’s compensation […] 13:14:372015-11-02 15:43:05Selectmen’s Minutes, March 28, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK PLANNING BOARD MEETING March 12, 2013 Planning Board members present: Steve Astbury, Peter Atherton, Alternate, Michael Rossney, John Allen, Chairman John Allen Also present were: Kelly Mitchell, Dylan Howard, Mia and Albert Strong, Neil Davis, Victor Smith and Assistant Barbara Grindle. Mitchell and Howard, representing the Caterpillar Hill Initiative, were in to […] 15:13:352015-11-02 15:41:28Planning Board minutes, March 12, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING March 21, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith Also present: CEO Edward Michaels, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $85,030.52; $61055.03 for education, $22,000 for snow contract, […] 14:12:582015-11-02 15:43:05Selectmen’s minutes, March 21, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING March 14, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $53,98.96; more road salt for $1,916.79, one hundred thirty eight 30-day notices […] 19:32:322015-11-02 15:43:05Selectmen’s Minutes, March 14, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING March 7, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith Also present: Road commissioner Paul Carter, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $77,588.24; Education was $65,086.60, 911/RCC $553.15, general assistance […] 14:49:282015-11-02 15:43:05Selectmen’s Minutes, March 7, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 12, 2013 Members present: Chairman John Allen, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, Michael Rossney, Alternate Peter Atherton Also present: Selectman Victor Smith, Mia and Albert Strong, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle Chairman Allen opened the meeting at 7 pm, with a quorum. […] 18:59:512015-11-02 15:41:28Planning Board Minutes, February 12, 2013
SELECTMEN’S MEETING February 28, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Read and accepted the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Signed treasurer’s warrant of $37,655.45, $3,499.80 for road salt, and $6,303.50 for auditing the town books. […] 18:44:532015-11-02 15:43:05Selectmen’s Minutes, February 28, 2013
SEDGWICK MARINE RECOURCES COMMITTEE MINUTES March 7, 2013 Members present: John Dunbar, chair, Dennis DeSilvey, scribe, Aaron Grindle, Tom Reilly. The meeting was called to order at 1700 Harbor boundary: Discussion continue on the designation of the separation line between the Sedgwick and Brooklin sides of the harbor. The nature of what constituted the “thread […] 18:01:582016-04-26 16:57:14Marine Resources Committee – March 7, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING February 21, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: CEO Edward Michaels, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Roger Picard 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $98, 807.34; $68,765.73 for the school, […] 15:41:592015-11-02 15:43:05Selectmen’s Minutes, February 21, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING February 14, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Road Commissioner Paul Carter, CEO Edward Michael, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $4,796.56; $1,084 for legal […] 15:29:382015-11-02 15:43:05Selectmen’s Minutes, February 14, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING February 7, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Fire Chief David Carter, CEO Edward Michaels, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Signed the Treasurer’s warrant for […] 14:54:162015-11-02 15:43:05Selectmen’s Minutes, February 7, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD January 29, 2013 Planning Board members present: Chairman John Allen, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, Michael Rossney, Steve Astbury, Peter Neill, Alternate Peter Atherton. Also present: Selectmen Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle This […] 16:10:192015-11-02 15:41:28Planning Board Special Meeting, January 29, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 31, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Superintendent Mark Jenkins, Principal Don Buckingham, School Board members Susan Ford, Clare Grindal, Ashley Pesek, Michael Sheahan, Mr & Mrs Schneider, Reporter Bette Britt, CEO Edward Michaels, Budget Committee Steve Tobey, Paul Trowbridge, Horace Wardwell, Fire Chief […] 11:50:372015-11-02 15:43:05Selectmen’s Minutes, January 31, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 24, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Budget Committee members Steve Tobey, Horace Wardwell, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Minutes of the last two meetings read and accepted. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $93,951.60; […] 12:27:192015-11-02 15:43:06Selectmen’s meeting, January 24, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 17, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert Also present: Tax collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Packet reporter Bette Britt, CEO Edward Michaels, Mr. & Mrs. Gardner Schneider, Superintendent Mark Jenkins, Budget committee members Horace Wardwell, Steve Tobey, Paul Trowbridge, Bill Pettingill, School board member Michael Sheahan, Robert […] 13:41:062015-11-02 15:43:06Selectmen’s Minutes, January 17, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 10, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Nelson Grindal, Fred Marston, Packet Reporter Bette Britt, Robert Jones, Steve Tobey, Bill Pettingill, Fire Chief David Carter, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Robert Vaughn, Dorrance Sexton, Geoffrey Miller, CEO Edward Michaels, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy […] 13:37:312015-11-02 15:43:06Selectmen’s Minutes January 10, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK PLANNING BOARD MINUTES January 8, 2013 Planning Board members present: Chairman John Allen, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, Steve Astbury, Michael Rossney, Peter Neill, Alternate Peter Atherton. Others present: Selectmen Neil Davis, Victor Smith, CEO Edward Michaels, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Palmer Little, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle. Chairman Allen called the meeting […] 13:28:552015-11-02 15:41:28Planning Board Minutes, January 9, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 3, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Edward Michaels, Fred Marston, Nelson Grindal, Charlie Wiggins, Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Minutes of the Dec. 13 meeting read and approved. Due to sickness, no meetings were […] 13:34:192015-11-02 15:43:06Selectmen’s Minutes, January 3, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 13, 2012 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $65,009.97; $57606.44 was for the school, $365.95 for general […] 19:44:552015-11-02 15:43:06Selectmen’s Meeting, December 13, 2012
TOWN OF SEDGWICK PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 11, 2012 Planning Board members present: Chairman John Allen, secretary Sylvia Wardwell, Michael Rossney, Steve Astbury, Peter Neil, alternate Peter Atherton. Also present: Selectmen Victor Smith and Colby Pert, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle Chairman Allen opened the meeting at 7 pm. There was […] 15:21:122015-11-02 15:41:28Planning Board Minutes, December 11, 2012
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 6, 2012 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: CEO Edward Michaels, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Edward Schneider 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 2) Signed treasurer’s warrant for $13,600.35; payroll for staff and officers was $4891.70, […] 15:03:392015-11-02 15:43:06Selectmen’s Meeting December 6, 2012
Annual Town Report 2020
Sedgwick Town Report March 2020
Selectmen’s Minutes, March 28, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING March 28, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith Also present: Fire Chief David Carter, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Reporter Jennifer Osborn 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $3,861.93; $1,144.57 was for the quarterly workman’s compensation […]
Planning Board minutes, March 12, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK PLANNING BOARD MEETING March 12, 2013 Planning Board members present: Steve Astbury, Peter Atherton, Alternate, Michael Rossney, John Allen, Chairman John Allen Also present were: Kelly Mitchell, Dylan Howard, Mia and Albert Strong, Neil Davis, Victor Smith and Assistant Barbara Grindle. Mitchell and Howard, representing the Caterpillar Hill Initiative, were in to […]
Selectmen’s minutes, March 21, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING March 21, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith Also present: CEO Edward Michaels, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $85,030.52; $61055.03 for education, $22,000 for snow contract, […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, March 14, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING March 14, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $53,98.96; more road salt for $1,916.79, one hundred thirty eight 30-day notices […]
Annual Town Report 2019
Annual Report 2019
Annual Town Report 2017
2017 Town of Sedgwick Town Report_OPT
Annual Town Report 2016
2016 Annual Report of the Town of Sedgwick
Selectmen’s Minutes, March 7, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING March 7, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith Also present: Road commissioner Paul Carter, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $77,588.24; Education was $65,086.60, 911/RCC $553.15, general assistance […]
Planning Board Minutes, February 12, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 12, 2013 Members present: Chairman John Allen, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, Michael Rossney, Alternate Peter Atherton Also present: Selectman Victor Smith, Mia and Albert Strong, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle Chairman Allen opened the meeting at 7 pm, with a quorum. […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, February 28, 2013
SELECTMEN’S MEETING February 28, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Read and accepted the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Signed treasurer’s warrant of $37,655.45, $3,499.80 for road salt, and $6,303.50 for auditing the town books. […]
Marine Resources Committee – March 7, 2013
SEDGWICK MARINE RECOURCES COMMITTEE MINUTES March 7, 2013 Members present: John Dunbar, chair, Dennis DeSilvey, scribe, Aaron Grindle, Tom Reilly. The meeting was called to order at 1700 Harbor boundary: Discussion continue on the designation of the separation line between the Sedgwick and Brooklin sides of the harbor. The nature of what constituted the “thread […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, February 21, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING February 21, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: CEO Edward Michaels, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Roger Picard 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $98, 807.34; $68,765.73 for the school, […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, February 14, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING February 14, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Road Commissioner Paul Carter, CEO Edward Michael, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $4,796.56; $1,084 for legal […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, February 7, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING February 7, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Fire Chief David Carter, CEO Edward Michaels, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting. 2) Signed the Treasurer’s warrant for […]
Planning Board Special Meeting, January 29, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD January 29, 2013 Planning Board members present: Chairman John Allen, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, Michael Rossney, Steve Astbury, Peter Neill, Alternate Peter Atherton. Also present: Selectmen Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle This […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, January 31, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 31, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Superintendent Mark Jenkins, Principal Don Buckingham, School Board members Susan Ford, Clare Grindal, Ashley Pesek, Michael Sheahan, Mr & Mrs Schneider, Reporter Bette Britt, CEO Edward Michaels, Budget Committee Steve Tobey, Paul Trowbridge, Horace Wardwell, Fire Chief […]
Selectmen’s meeting, January 24, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 24, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Budget Committee members Steve Tobey, Horace Wardwell, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Minutes of the last two meetings read and accepted. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $93,951.60; […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, January 17, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 17, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert Also present: Tax collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Packet reporter Bette Britt, CEO Edward Michaels, Mr. & Mrs. Gardner Schneider, Superintendent Mark Jenkins, Budget committee members Horace Wardwell, Steve Tobey, Paul Trowbridge, Bill Pettingill, School board member Michael Sheahan, Robert […]
Selectmen’s Minutes January 10, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 10, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Nelson Grindal, Fred Marston, Packet Reporter Bette Britt, Robert Jones, Steve Tobey, Bill Pettingill, Fire Chief David Carter, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Robert Vaughn, Dorrance Sexton, Geoffrey Miller, CEO Edward Michaels, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy […]
Planning Board Minutes, January 9, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK PLANNING BOARD MINUTES January 8, 2013 Planning Board members present: Chairman John Allen, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, Steve Astbury, Michael Rossney, Peter Neill, Alternate Peter Atherton. Others present: Selectmen Neil Davis, Victor Smith, CEO Edward Michaels, Packet reporter Bette Britt, Palmer Little, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle. Chairman Allen called the meeting […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, January 3, 2013
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 3, 2013 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Edward Michaels, Fred Marston, Nelson Grindal, Charlie Wiggins, Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Minutes of the Dec. 13 meeting read and approved. Due to sickness, no meetings were […]
Selectmen’s Meeting, December 13, 2012
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 13, 2012 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant Barbara Grindle 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $65,009.97; $57606.44 was for the school, $365.95 for general […]
Planning Board Minutes, December 11, 2012
TOWN OF SEDGWICK PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 11, 2012 Planning Board members present: Chairman John Allen, secretary Sylvia Wardwell, Michael Rossney, Steve Astbury, Peter Neil, alternate Peter Atherton. Also present: Selectmen Victor Smith and Colby Pert, CEO Edward Michaels, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle Chairman Allen opened the meeting at 7 pm. There was […]
Selectmen’s Meeting December 6, 2012
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 6, 2012 Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith Also present: CEO Edward Michaels, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Edward Schneider 1) Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. 2) Signed treasurer’s warrant for $13,600.35; payroll for staff and officers was $4891.70, […]