TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING February 4, 2021 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, by phone: Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, by phone: CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Jerry Wetterskog, Kate Tompkins, Jeffrey Roth. There being no errors or omissions in […] 15:35:562021-02-12 15:35:56Selectmen’s Meeting, February 4, 2021
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 28, 2021 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Peter Neill). Read and made two corrections in the minutes of […] 15:06:402021-02-05 15:06:40Selectmen’s Meeting, January 28, 2021
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 21, 2021 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Kate Tompkins, John Higgins, Peter Neill, Andy Bowes, Ciona Ulbrich. There […] 15:57:402021-01-29 15:57:40Selectmen’s Meeting, January 21, 2021
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 14, 2021 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Kate Tompkins. Read and made adjustments to the minutes of the […] 16:04:582021-01-22 16:04:58Selectmen’s Meeting January 14, 2021
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 7, 2021 Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Superintendent Christopher Elkington, Jerry Wetterskog, Kate Tompkins, Kelly Samperi, Christine diPretoro, Jennifer Osborn). There being […] 15:38:182021-01-18 15:38:18Selectmen’s Meeting, January 7, 2021
13 October 2020 Planning Board Minutes Called to order 19:03 Members present: (At Fire Station and by teleconference due to COVID-19) David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed, Peter Atherton Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Liaison Robert Publicover, Selectman Ben Astbury, William Grant, Mark Adamsky, David Bouffard, Bill Bowick Andy Bowes […] 16:43:392021-01-14 16:43:39Planning Board Meeting, October 13, 2020
10 November 2020 Planning Board Minutes Called to order: 19:00 Members present: (At Fire Station and by teleconference due to COVID-19) David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed, Peter Atherton Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Liaison Robert Publicover, Berwyn Peasley Jr, Bill Grant, David Bouffard, Bill Bowick, Jerry Wetterskog, Steve Blaisdell […] 16:41:172021-01-14 16:41:17Planning Board Meeting, November 10, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 31, 2020 Because of the New Year holiday, the selectmen will only be in the office to sign the warrant. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Grindle, Assistant 17:02:272021-01-08 17:02:27Selectmen’s Minutes, December 31, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 24, 2020 Because of the Christmas holiday, selectmen will be in the office to sign the warrant only. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Grindle., Assistant 17:01:052021-01-08 17:01:05Selectmen’s Minutes, December 24, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 17, 2020 Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: (by phone Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Jeffrey Roth, Jerry Wetterskog). Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting as amended. Roll call vote 3-0. […] 16:59:192021-01-08 16:59:19Selectmen’s Minutes, December 17, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 10, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Christine diPretoro, Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth). One adjustment in the records as read, […] 15:28:172020-12-18 15:28:17Selectmen’s Minutes, December 10, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 3, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Jeffrey Roth, Jerry Wetterskog, Christine diPretoro). One change in the minutes as written, moved, seconded […] 15:03:572020-12-11 15:03:57Selectmen’s Minutes, December 3, 2020
Sedgwick-Brooksville Town Landing Committee minutes for November 12, 2020 Meeting opened at 5:30pm. Adjourned at 5:47pm. Members present: Michael Sheahan, Ben Astbury, Robert Publicover, John Gray, John Kimball Actions Taken: Motion to accept minutes of the October 8th meeting. All in favor. Motion to set $15,000 for the budget for next year. All in favor. […] 22:25:222020-12-10 22:25:22Sedgwick-Brooksville Town Landing Committee minutes, November 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING November 26, 2020 In view of the Thanksgiving holiday, the selectmen will meet to sign the warrant. There will be no meeting. Barbara Grindle, Assistant 15:19:442020-12-07 15:19:44Selectmen’s Minutes, November 26, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MINUTES November 19.2020 Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Christine diPretoro). There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, […] 15:18:182020-12-07 15:18:18Selectmen’s Minutes, November 19, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING November 12, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone Jerry Wetterskog, Fire Chief David Carter, Jeffrey Roth). There being two amendments in the records of the […] 15:04:412020-11-20 15:04:41Selectmen’s Minutes, November 12, 2020
Sedgwick-Brooksville Town Landing Committee minutes for October 8, 2020 Meeting opened at 5:30pm. Adjourned at 5:55pm. Members present: Michael Sheahan, Ben Astbury, Robert Publicover, John Gray, Hal Snow, John Kimball Actions Taken: Motion to accept minutes of the September10th meeting. All in favor. Motion to have Todd Bewig look at the float for repair. All […] 17:00:212020-11-14 17:00:21Sedgwick-Brooksville Town Landing Committee minutes, October 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING November 5, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Fire Chief David Carter, Superintendent of Schools Chris Elkington). There […] 15:57:472020-11-13 15:57:47Selectmen’s Minutes, November 5, 2020
8 September 2020 Planning Board Minutes Called to order: 19:05 Members present: (At Fire Station and by teleconference due to COVID 19) Acting Chairman Michael Rossney, David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectmen Liason Robert Publicover, Selectman Ben Astbury, Jerry Wetterscag […] 13:30:522020-11-11 09:23:48Planning Board Meeting, September 8, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING (Draft Minutes) October 29, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheaham). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone Jeffrey Roth, Jerry Wetterskog). There being no errors or omissions in the […] 14:40:392020-11-06 14:40:39Selectmen’s Meeting (Draft Minutes), October 29, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING (Draft Minutes) October 22, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone Jeffrey Roth, Jerry Wetterskog). The date for the school’s COVID Relief funds to be spent was […] 14:00:012020-11-02 14:00:01Selectmen’s Meeting, (Draft Minutes) October 22, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING (Draft Minutes) October 15, 2020 Opened the meeting at the North Sedgwick Fire Station and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Christine diPretoro, Fire Chief David Carter, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone Jeffrey Roth). There being no errors or omissions in the […] 13:58:502020-10-23 13:58:50Selectmen’s Meeting, October 15, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING (Draft Minutes) October 8, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone Jerry Wetterskog). There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded […] 14:18:482020-10-16 14:18:48Selectmen’s Minutes, October 8, 2020
11 August 2020 Planning Board Minutes Called to order: 19:00 Members present: (by teleconference due to COVID 19) Acting Chairman Michael Rossney, David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bower Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectmen Liaison Robert Publicover, Selectman Ben Astbury Acting Chairman Rossney stated that there was a quorum Motion made and seconded […] 14:16:122020-10-16 14:16:1211 August 2020 Planning Board Minutes
2021 Tax Commitment Books
Selectmen’s Meeting, February 4, 2021
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING February 4, 2021 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, by phone: Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, by phone: CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Jerry Wetterskog, Kate Tompkins, Jeffrey Roth. There being no errors or omissions in […]
Selectmen’s Meeting, January 28, 2021
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 28, 2021 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Peter Neill). Read and made two corrections in the minutes of […]
Selectmen’s Meeting, January 21, 2021
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 21, 2021 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Kate Tompkins, John Higgins, Peter Neill, Andy Bowes, Ciona Ulbrich. There […]
Selectmen’s Meeting January 14, 2021
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 14, 2021 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Kate Tompkins. Read and made adjustments to the minutes of the […]
Selectmen’s Meeting, January 7, 2021
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING January 7, 2021 Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Superintendent Christopher Elkington, Jerry Wetterskog, Kate Tompkins, Kelly Samperi, Christine diPretoro, Jennifer Osborn). There being […]
Planning Board Meeting, October 13, 2020
13 October 2020 Planning Board Minutes Called to order 19:03 Members present: (At Fire Station and by teleconference due to COVID-19) David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed, Peter Atherton Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Liaison Robert Publicover, Selectman Ben Astbury, William Grant, Mark Adamsky, David Bouffard, Bill Bowick Andy Bowes […]
Planning Board Meeting, November 10, 2020
10 November 2020 Planning Board Minutes Called to order: 19:00 Members present: (At Fire Station and by teleconference due to COVID-19) David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed, Peter Atherton Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Liaison Robert Publicover, Berwyn Peasley Jr, Bill Grant, David Bouffard, Bill Bowick, Jerry Wetterskog, Steve Blaisdell […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, December 31, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 31, 2020 Because of the New Year holiday, the selectmen will only be in the office to sign the warrant. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Grindle, Assistant
Selectmen’s Minutes, December 24, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 24, 2020 Because of the Christmas holiday, selectmen will be in the office to sign the warrant only. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Grindle., Assistant
Selectmen’s Minutes, December 17, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 17, 2020 Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: (by phone Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Jeffrey Roth, Jerry Wetterskog). Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting as amended. Roll call vote 3-0. […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, December 10, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 10, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Christine diPretoro, Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth). One adjustment in the records as read, […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, December 3, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING December 3, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Jeffrey Roth, Jerry Wetterskog, Christine diPretoro). One change in the minutes as written, moved, seconded […]
Sedgwick-Brooksville Town Landing Committee minutes, November 2020
Sedgwick-Brooksville Town Landing Committee minutes for November 12, 2020 Meeting opened at 5:30pm. Adjourned at 5:47pm. Members present: Michael Sheahan, Ben Astbury, Robert Publicover, John Gray, John Kimball Actions Taken: Motion to accept minutes of the October 8th meeting. All in favor. Motion to set $15,000 for the budget for next year. All in favor. […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, November 26, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING November 26, 2020 In view of the Thanksgiving holiday, the selectmen will meet to sign the warrant. There will be no meeting. Barbara Grindle, Assistant
Selectmen’s Minutes, November 19, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MINUTES November 19.2020 Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Christine diPretoro). There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, November 12, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING November 12, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone Jerry Wetterskog, Fire Chief David Carter, Jeffrey Roth). There being two amendments in the records of the […]
Sedgwick-Brooksville Town Landing Committee minutes, October 2020
Sedgwick-Brooksville Town Landing Committee minutes for October 8, 2020 Meeting opened at 5:30pm. Adjourned at 5:55pm. Members present: Michael Sheahan, Ben Astbury, Robert Publicover, John Gray, Hal Snow, John Kimball Actions Taken: Motion to accept minutes of the September10th meeting. All in favor. Motion to have Todd Bewig look at the float for repair. All […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, November 5, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING November 5, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Fire Chief David Carter, Superintendent of Schools Chris Elkington). There […]
Planning Board Meeting, September 8, 2020
8 September 2020 Planning Board Minutes Called to order: 19:05 Members present: (At Fire Station and by teleconference due to COVID 19) Acting Chairman Michael Rossney, David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectmen Liason Robert Publicover, Selectman Ben Astbury, Jerry Wetterscag […]
Selectmen’s Meeting (Draft Minutes), October 29, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING (Draft Minutes) October 29, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheaham). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone Jeffrey Roth, Jerry Wetterskog). There being no errors or omissions in the […]
Selectmen’s Meeting, (Draft Minutes) October 22, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING (Draft Minutes) October 22, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone Jeffrey Roth, Jerry Wetterskog). The date for the school’s COVID Relief funds to be spent was […]
Selectmen’s Meeting, October 15, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING (Draft Minutes) October 15, 2020 Opened the meeting at the North Sedgwick Fire Station and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Christine diPretoro, Fire Chief David Carter, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone Jeffrey Roth). There being no errors or omissions in the […]
Selectmen’s Minutes, October 8, 2020
TOWN OF SEDGWICK SELECTMEN’S MEETING (Draft Minutes) October 8, 2020 Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone Jerry Wetterskog). There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded […]
11 August 2020 Planning Board Minutes
11 August 2020 Planning Board Minutes Called to order: 19:00 Members present: (by teleconference due to COVID 19) Acting Chairman Michael Rossney, David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bower Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectmen Liaison Robert Publicover, Selectman Ben Astbury Acting Chairman Rossney stated that there was a quorum Motion made and seconded […]