Planning Board, Tues., Dec. 9, 2008
The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office on Tues., Dec. 9. Present were board members Sylvia Wardwell, Sec., Victor Smith, David Webb, John Allen, James Wood Alt, and Palmer Little, Chairman. Selectman Tom O’Connor and Assistant Barbara Grindle were present as were about 18 concerned neighbors.
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm. Chairman Little offered to abstain from the decision making if the board wished him to. He is a former brother in law of Richard Duffy, the applicant for Eggemoggin Heights. The board did not wish him to abstain.
Map 13, Lots 6, 8-3, and 11 – Eggemoggin Heights. Applicant Richard Duffy was not present at the meeting. CES is working on the plan requested by the Board and the neighbors last month. Chairman Little passed out copies of letters 1) to Duffy from the Board, 2) from Val Whittier of the DEP and 3) a letter from concerned neighbors. The new plan should have drainage plans, pencil drawings of the houses, and wetlands.
There needs to be more soil tests turned in. There must be a test for each lot. Greg Burr from the Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has been in and inspected the area and would like to inspect it in the spring again. There needs to be a sign indicating the subdivision. The neighbors would like to know what will be done to address the purposes of the ordinance, their wells and the water situation. They do not feel that it is unreasonable to ask another engineering firm to check the aquifer. They feel that seven of the lots are ¼ to 2/3 wetlands. Would it make more sense to make larger lots and be able to avoid some of the wetlands? Cluster housing was mentioned. They would also like to see a letter from the Fire Dept. approving the road into the subdivision. The lot owners will be building their own driveways, but the entrance road must be wide enough for two emergency vehicles to pass one another. The road must have a light at the entrance. The covenants will be available at the next meeting.
Map 6, Lot 40-7- Howard and Jennifer Page wish to build a house on Camp Stream Point Lane. This was turned over to the CEO for inspection and permitting. The fee has not been paid.
Map 12, Lot 23A – George Matterson – plans for a dock on the Byard Point property. No permit was applied for, therefore no action was taken.
Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen