Planning Board Minutes, Oct. 2, 2007

Planning Board October 9, 2007


The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office with Chairman Palmer Little, Secretary Sylvia C. Wardwell, members Victor Smith, David Webb, John Allen, and Jim Wood, Alternate.  Others present were CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Tom O’Connor, and Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle.

     The meeting was brought to order at 7 pm by Chairman Little.   

     Map 11, Lot 28.  Colleen Spangler’s application has been checked by the CEO and was approved by the Planning Board.

      A letter from the Environmental Protection Agency re new shoreland bird laws was distributed to the Board and discussed.  

     The Maine Forestry Dept is involved with the shoreland zoning enforcement of the David Sexton cutting in the shoreland zone.  There seems to be a problem with jurisdiction between the Town and the Forestry Dept.  The town must vote on a Forest Service plan giving them jurisdiction in town.  CEO Ford is going to a training session about this issue on Thurs., Oct 11.  The Sextons still need to get a reforestation plan to the CEO and Planning Board.

     The Goldsby/Osborn consent agreement is still in the hands of the lawyers, hopefully for the final version.

      The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.  

Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen