Planning Board Minutes, March 8, 2016
8 March 2016
Planning Board Minutes
Called to order at 19:03
Members Present: Robert Jones, Peter Neill, Mike Rossney, David Carter, Victor Smith. Absent:
Patricia Egan, Peter Atherton.
Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Nelson Grindal, Neil Davis, Robert Publicover, Andy Gray, Curtis Jaffray, Spencer Allen, Susan Allen, Natasha Allen, James Clarke.
Robert Jones noted that there was a quorum present.
The minutes for the February meeting were approved.
Old Business: No email addresses yet. David Carter said that Cindy Reilly stated that the information had been submitted to the webmaster.
Selectmen had questions/concerns over some of the changes to the Site Plan Review. Decided not to put on the warrant for town meeting. Set up meeting to discuss issues with selectmen on Thursday, March 10 at 6 pm in selectmen’s office.
New Business: Curtis Jaffray present as representative for Darrell Brown. Brown is planning on building a restaurant/pub on Caterpillar Hill Road, Map 2, Lot 32. Jaffray submitted a file with items Brown had assembled after attending January meeting. Chairman Jones noted that this meeting would be considered the Pre-Application Review. After reviewing the file, it was noted that several items that would be needed on the Formal Application were missing and/or needed clarification. Jaffray asked if there was a way to speed up the process. After several comments/concerns from the board and others in attendance, Mike Rossney suggested that the board hear from several abutters in attendance. Some of the questions/concerns ranged from septic issues, noise, vehicular traffic, objections to speeding up the project, debris cleanup, hours of operation, boundary lines, etc. Board members stated that the current board wanted to be business-friendly, that each applicant needed to be treated fairly and that the process needed to be the same for all applicants. After additional discussion, Victor Smith noted that with the extent of questions/comments from abutters that a public hearing should be held. The board agreed. Hearing to be held as soon as legally possible. Chairman Jones to contact Cindy Reillyt about advertising the hearing. David Carter suggested that the board give Jaffray a written list of items that are missing and/or need clarification for the Forman Application. This list would include:
A written description of the proposed business, including hours of operation, possible entertainment, extent of food service, etc.
A written description of the building including capacity of seating, exterior lighting, etc.
A more detailed Site Plan, including dimensions and numbers of parking areas, pedestrian areas, landscaping, etc.
A current survey of the lot signed by a licensed land surveyor.
Timeline for the project.
A signed letter from the local fire chief indicating availability and adequacy of water supply and fire protection services.
Jaffrey was given this list. Jaffray was informed that a fee of $200 would be required at the time of formal operation and that the applicant would be responsible for reimbursing the town for advertising costs associated with the public hearing.
After hearing that there was no additional new business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 20:37.
Respectfully submitted,
David A. Carter