Planning Board Minutes, June 9, 2009


The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 for their regularly scheduled meeting.  Present were Board members David Webb, Jim Wood, Sylvia Wardwell, and Chairman Palmer Little.  Also present were CEO Duane Ford, Jon and Jane Thomas from the Weekly Packet, Paul Trowbridge and Barbara Grindle.

            Chairman Little opened the meeting at 7:06 pm. 

            The first order of business was to amend the minutes of Tuesday, October 14, 2008 to read “completing the final plan”.  When a public hearing is called, properly noticed and advertised, it is automatically considered to be on the final plan.

            Map 4, L 4-1 – This was the advertised public meeting for the Snow Cove Sanctuary subdivision.  As there was no opposition to the subdivision plan it was accepted as complete.   Mr Trowbridge paid the fees of $50 and $200 per lot for 12 lots, a total of $2450.  He will have a mylar copy of the plan for the Planning Board to sign at the next monthly meeting.  The preliminary plan was accepted as final on Feb. 2, 2009.  The abuttors have been notified, and the fire department has approved the roads.  A waiver will be given for the road to have turnouts and a turn around at the end.  It was moved and seconded to approve the final plan.

            The cell tower on Caterpillar Hill is in a holding pattern.  They are looking for leasees for the tower before building it.

            The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen