Planning Board Minutes, July 14, 2015
July 14, 2015
Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Planning Board members present: Chairman John Allen, Robert Jones, Richard Duffy, Peter Neill, Peter Atherton alternate, Barbara Grindle alternate, secretary. Also present: Fred Marston, Jim Carey, Bob and Barbara Comerford, Mia Strong, CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Nelson Grindal.
Read and approved the minutes of the June 9 regular meeting and public hearing on Caterpillar Hill Initiative’s permit to build a temporary platform and the July 18 special meeting in which the planning board issued them a permit with conditions.
NEW BUSINESS: Carey and the Comerford’s are objecting to the Strong Brewery’s entertainment and food expansion. They are concerned that parking on both sides of the Rope Ferry Road is dangerous and emergency vehicles would not be able to reach homes on the rest of the road. The noise and placement of the sanitary facilities also drew objections. Coming out of the Rope Ferry Road is dangerous at any time, but with so many additional vehicles exiting on to Route 15 there is the potential for a bad accident. Strong has plans for a 24-car parking area which would enter and exit in a circular pattern on Rope Ferry Road. The porta potties would be placed on level ground in the parking area. Paul Carter will be building it as soon as he is able. Until the parking lot is built, they will have parking only on one side of the road. The food truck is catered by a company from Bangor, and the entertainment will end before 9 pm during the summer months. The Planning Board explained that they have no ordinance rules that governs situations like this, nor can they mediate between the neighbors.
Strong was given a site plan application for the parking lot, and told that any further expansion should be brought before the Board. Federal and state permits are covering her business at this time but she is a commercial enterprise, which would be covered by the site plan ordinance and would have to be permitted by the planning board.
Marston, as chairperson of the Appeals Board, didn’t see where that board would be involved without definite action by the Planning Board first. An appeal would be based on Planning Board decisions, not neighborhood conflict.
OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business for the board.
CEO REPORT: There is no visible activity at the Caterpillar Hill site.
ADJOURN: After much discussion about ‘teeth’ in the ordinances, the motion was made to adjourn at 9:20 pm.
Barbara Grindle, Secretary