Planning Board Minutes, July 10, 2012



July 10, 2012


Board members present:  Sylvia Wardwell, Secretary, Peter Neill, Peter Atherton, Alternate, Stephen Astbury, Michael Rossney, John Allen, Chairman.


Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Victor Smith, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle, Nelson Grindal, Fred Marston, Charlie Wiggins.


Chairman Allen brought the meeting to order at 7 pm.


1)         Board member Neill presented the board with a draft of the Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance for review.  The Board will read it and have comments and discussion ready  for the next meeting on August 14.  It will then go to the selectmen and/or to the town attorney.    It was moved and seconded to enact a 6 month moratorium on wireless communication tower applications, effective immediately, so that the ordinance can be thoroughly reviewed and brought to a town meeting for a vote.  The vote was 6-0 for the moratorium.


2)         The complaint last month about noise from the new tower on Caterpillar Hill was from the cables banging on the pole.  The pole is a 3-in-1 monopole.  It has to be raised, one section inside of another for three sections, and then cabled off according to OSHA regulations.  The cables must be tightened to keep them from swinging, and that has been done.


3)         CEO report:  If we are going to have a special town meeting to pass the wireless ordinance (cell tower ordinance), we should check some pf the other ordinances and do some housekeeping work on them.  CEO will check over the shoreland ordinance, and if time permits, the site plan ordinance needs revision also.


4)         The Planning Board wrote a letter to the Selectmen inviting them to the next Board meeting to give an update on the Patten/4 Winds case.  All board members signed the letter.  They will also be discussing the new cell tower ordinance that will then be given to the selectmen for their review.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.


                        Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen