Planning Board Minutes, January 12, 2021

12 January 2021


Planning Board Minutes


Called to order: 19:09


Members present: (by teleconference due to COVID 19) David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed,


Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectmen Liason Robert Publicover, Jerry Weterskog,


Chairman Weed stated that there was a quorum


Motion made and seconded to accept December 2020 minutes as read. Motion passed.


Old Business:


Discussion on Valarie Dillon dock proposal. Motion made and seconded to approve application. Motion passed.


Selectmen have not received any guidance from the Maine Municipal Association regarding the moratoriums. Selectmen are not opposed but waiting for guidance.


Motion made and seconded as follows: Due to the impact of Covid – 19 on meeting and discussion, the planning board recommends that the Sedgwick Board of Selectmen declare a moratorium on development of commercial solar farms, independent residential properties for short term rentals and industrial development to scale, pending planning board ability to review and recommend changes to the Site Plan Review or other town ordinance


New business:




CEO Report:


There is a possibility of a 75 acre subdivision in town.


Individual inquired about the possibility of 3 rental yurts on one lot. CEO advised them that they would need to establish a subdivision. Individual indicated that they probably wouldn’t pursue the project at this time.



Motion made and seconded to adjourn, Motion passed. Adjourned at 20:10.


Respectfully submitted,

David A. Carter