Planning Board Minutes, February 9, 2021

9 February 2021


Planning Board Minutes


Called to order: 19:05


Members present: (by teleconference due to COVID 19) David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed, Peter Atherton


Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectmen Liason Robert Publicover, Jerry Weterskog,


Chairman Weed stated that there was a quorum


Motion made and seconded to accept January 2021 minutes as read. Motion passed.


Old Business:


Signed permit for Valarie Dillon dock.


Selectmen have received any guidance from the Maine Municipal Association regarding the moratoriums. Selectman Astbury writing moratorium using example from another town. Discussed subiect. Questioned how to proceed from here.



New business:




CEO Report:


There is a possibility of a 75 acre subdivision on Graytown Road.


Possible subdivision on Carter Point Road.


Received complaints about Robert Gray Plumbing and Heating, Eskay Auto properties.



Motion made and seconded to adjourn, Motion passed. Adjourned at 20:01.


Respectfully submitted,

David A. Carter