Planning Board Minutes, February 10, 2015
February 10, 2015
The Planning Board met at the Town Office and opened the meeting at 7 pm. Members present were Peter Neill, Peter Atherton, Robert Jones. Others attending: Selectman Nelson Grindal, CEO Duane Ford, Secretary Barbara Grindle, Mia and Al Strong.
Moved, seconded and voted to accept the minutes of the last meeting.
The Strong’s are expanding their micro brewery space. They will be adding a bathroom, some table seating and a ground level deck to the existing space. They were advised to contact the plumbing inspector regarding the new bathroom. Their existing permits cover the rest of their renovations. They will serve the sample beers just as they do now, but there will be no food (except perhaps pretzels and nuts) served.
Moved and seconded and voted unanimously to table the Grayfield subdivision until the power of attorney papers, possible lien and a property dispute ate resolved.
Secretary to check with clerk and/or Maine Municipal Association on vacating liened property.
Also the property lines on one side are in dispute with an adjacent landowner; can the vacation be done or is this a civil matter in which the Planning Board is not involved.
Caterpillar Hill Initiative has not returned; their permits have not been issued, moved, seconded and voted to table this until they return. A stop work order will be issued if they do any work before getting the permits.
April 1st is the time for new members and voting for chairman.
The CEO suggested that members of the Planning Board try to attend the training session in Ellsworth on March 30.
There being no further business, it was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm.
Barbara Grindle, Secretary
Sedgwick Planning Board