Planning Board minutes, Feb. 9, 2010
February 9, 2010
The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office with Chairman Palmer Little, David Webb, Michael Rossney, John Allen, Sylvia Wardwell, Secretary and James Wood, Alternate present. Also present were Bill and Marcia DeWitt, Colby Pert, Tom McKechnie, CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Victor Smith, and Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen.
Chairman Little began the meeting by notifying the Board and those present that the Court had decided the Maine Land Trust vs Town of Sedgwick case in the town’s favor. This case involved rebuilding three structures on the former Four Winds Camp property that had been denied by the Planning Board, the Code Enforcement Officer and the Appeals Board.
Map 6, Lot 61-4 – Mr DeWitt explained that the plans to divide this lot in the Horseshoe Shores Subdivision had changed. The lot will not be divided equally as planned, but he will be purchasing approximately a half acre along the side of the lot, leaving about three acres in the original lot. His residence is only about 10 feet from the present property line. The half acre will continue to be a pedestrian easement and will be in conservation, prohibiting any development. If they remove 90 feet, more or less, from the shoreline, it will still leave the necessary footage for shoreland on the 3 acre piece. They will be bringing another map showing the changes to the lot for the Board to review and sign. This map must be registered at the Registry of Deeds.
This meeting was advertised as a public meeting to update the Shoreland Protection Map of Sedgwick. Fortunately there are very few changes to be made to the existing map. Most of the discussion was on wetlands that are around streams; they will continue to be in Stream Protection. The Mill Pond in Sargentville was an example used; as soon as the beaver leave the area, the water will recede and become a wetland. Stream Protection requires a 75 foot setback on each side of the stream. The new maps will be ready and displayed at Town Meeting on March 5 and 6.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.
Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen