Planning Board Minutes, Feb. 10, 2009
Town of Sedgwick Planning Board Feb. 10, 2009
The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Town Office on Tuesday, Feb. 10 for their regular monthly meeting. Present were John Allen, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, Alternate Jim Wood and Acting Chairman Victor Smith. Also present were CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Nelson Grindal, Paul Trowbridge, reporters Jonathan Thomas and James Straub, Richard Duffy and Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle and 23 members of the public.
Map 1, Lot 19 – Chairman Smith asked CEO Duane Ford to catch the Board up on the Spofford Wind Farm situation. The CEO reported that Mr Spofford erected an anemometer to measure wind speed on his property last August. He had been told to come to the office and get the permits necessary but he had not done so. He and his lawyer came to a meeting with the Board and said that they would get us everything needed for an after-the-fact permit. This has not been done. He sent in an application for a wind farm but that was not the application needed so it was returned to him. The DEP has viewed the project and he is in violation on several points with NURPA and wetlands. The Board cannot act upon the situation until DEP and the summer arrive to reevaluate the situation. The letter to the selectmen will be filed with the Planning Board and the DEP will be consulted with regard to the next step to be taken.
Map 4, Lot 1-1 – Paul Trowbridge appeared with plans for the Snow's Cove Sanctuary Subdivision owned by himself and Willard Brown Jr. There will be 12 lots, ranging from 2.85 to 6.15 acres each. 56 acres has been given to Blue Hill Heritage Trust for public access with walking, ATV and snowmobile trails to the shore of the Bagaduce River. He is to send certified letters to adjacent landowners and the project will be looked over by the Planning Board prior to the next meeting. They will need to walk the land and also have a public hearing before the project is accepted for review.
Map 13, Lots 6, 8-3, 11 – Eggemoggin Heights Subdivision – Richard Duffy gave a summary of what he has done to answer the concerns of the adjoining neighbors. They would still like a third party check for the vernal pools in April and May. Mr Duffy said that he has had CES engineers checking for them and also Valerie Wittier from the DEP has been on the property. If anyone wants to check for them again this spring, they are welcome to do so. The DEP has approved the project, the Town’s Fire Chief and Road Commissioner have approved the roads and driveways, and test pits have been dug on all lots. The point was made by John Allen of the Planning Board that each lot has to be approved by the Board before any building, etc. can be done after they are sold.
The motion was made and seconded to accept the application and finalized plan. They have specified that a special type of culvert (one without a bottom) of a size determined by Inland Fisheries and Wildlife be installed on the brooks entering the property. There are trout in the brooks and the desire is to keep them there.
The permit was signed specifying the culverts and that all lots be subject to review.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15pm.
Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen