Planning Board minutes, December 13, 2011



December 13, 2011

Planning Board members present:  Chairman Palmer Little, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, John Allen, Michael Rossney


Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Jane and  Jon Thomas from the Weekly Packet, Selectman Victor Smith, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle


Map 2, lot 10    Discussion about the cell tower being contracted by Centerline Communications on the Caterpillar Hill property owned by Gordon Gianninoto.  The US Coast Guard is going to be the first client on the tower.  Power lines are being buried along the roadside and blasting has been done along the roadside and at the site.  A performance bond has been posted after the fact.  It is a very generic bond naming the Town of Sedgwick as recipient, and must be renewed annually.  The CEO and selectmen are reviewing the bond to see if it meets the criteria for the removal of the tower if it becomes abandoned in the future.  Gianinnoto has a lease with the company for the land.

            Chairman Little recommended looking over the Blue Hill Tower Ordinance, a copy of which was brought in by the CEO, to see if there is anything in it that we could use in upgrading our site plan review ordinance.  Copies of the Blue Hill ordinance were given to the planning board and the selectmen for them to study.   There are no regulations specific to cell towers in Sedgwick so the tower is being regulated by our Site Plan Review Ordinance which was written in 1990.


CEO report:  He is being asked frequently to write completion letters or certificates of occupation, etc.  The town does not have a fee policy in place so he is recommending that we think about instituting one.


Chairman Little reported that Alternate Planning Board member Jim Wood is not able to make the meetings for health reasons and wishes to be replaced.  He will let the selectmen know that they need to appoint another alternate to the Board.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.


            Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen