Planning Board Minutes, April 13, 2010
April 13, 2010
Board members present: Chairman Palmer Little, Michael Rossney,
David Webb, John Allen, Sylvia C. Wardwell, Secretary, and Alternate James Wood.
Also present: Code Enforcement Officer Duane Ford, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle, Danny and Corinne Pert.
Map 8, Lot 55-4 – Danny and Corinne Pert want to tear off part of a building and rebuild it within the shoreland of Salt Pond. Their plans call for less than a 30% increase and they will be building up instead of out. The project was turned over to the CEO to inspect and issue the permit. A fee of $25 was received for the permit and $5 for a building notification.
Map 7, Lot 32 – Alden Astbury was not here to present the material needed for the permit for the Western View Café. A public hearing will be advertised for May 11, the next Planning Board meeting.
Map 6, Lot 28B – Patrick Morony and Rosemary Thorne – CEO has inspected and signed the permit for their home.
Map 7, Lot 3 – Robert L. Gray gas storage facility – Gray has installed two 30,000 gallon storage tanks instead of the one 8,000 and one 30,000 gallon tanks that he had the Planning Board permits for. CEO checked with the state and Gray got an expanded permit from them. The Planning Board should have been notified by Mr. Gray, but he is legal with the state permit. The fence has not yet been installed and a letter is being sent to Gray informing him that he is not to fill the storage tanks until the fence is installed. The fire chief has checked the site and also insists that the fence be installed.
There needs to be some housekeeping work done on the ordinances so that they may be voted on if there is a special town meeting later in the year. A public hearing will be held on May 11 to get input from residents on these ordinance updates.
Meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.
Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen