Planning Board Minutes 12 February 2019

Planning Board Minutes 12 February 2019
Planning Board Minutes
12 February 2019
Called to Order 19:02
Members present: Acting Chairman Michael Rossney, Richard Doane, Peter Neill, Alternates Danny Weed, Andy Bowes.
Others present: Selectman Liaison Publicover, CEO Tracy

Acting Chairman Rossney indicated there was a quorum.
Motion made and seconded to dispense with reading of the previous minutes (Rossney/Neill). Motion passed.

CEO Tracy provided copies of Site Plan Review ordinance, Harbor ordinance, and Shoreland Zoning ordinance to each member.
Acting Chairman Rossney indicated that Emera had completed the expansion of the transformer station at Black’s Corner.
Acting Chairman Rossney asked Selectman LNO to request approval of Site Plan Review Checklist at town meeting so that it can be included in the ordinance as a tool for applicants.

Paul Trowbridge, 214 Christy Hill Rd, presented board with Site Plan Review Application for expansion of his existing business site by construction of a second steel storage building at Sedgwick Storage LLC, located at 7 Storage Lane in Sedgwick. After board determined the application was complete, CEO Tracy indicated he had reviewed the application and no violations were noted. Motion made to approve the application and issue permit pending payment of appropriate fees. (Atherton/Bowes). Motion passed.

Being no further business, motion made to adjourn (Atherton/Doane). Motion Passed. Adjourned at 19:45.

Andy Bowes, Recorder