Planning Board Meeting, September 8, 2020

8 September 2020


Planning Board Minutes


Called to order: 19:05


Members present: (At Fire Station and by teleconference due to COVID 19) Acting Chairman Michael Rossney, David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed


Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectmen Liason Robert Publicover, Selectman Ben Astbury, Jerry Wetterscag


Acting Chairman Rossney stated that there was a quorum


Motion made and seconded to accept August 2020 minutes as read. Motion passed by roll call vote.


Old Business:


Boreggo Solar auction took place.


Steve Blaisdell will come to future meeting to discuss erosion control project at town landing.


Selectmen discussed Zoom license. Deemed too expensive at this point.


New Business:


Selectmen Astbury has been in discussions with SVA Communications regarding the tower on Caterpillar Hill. SVA purchased in 2014. Several issues needed to be done. The required bond has been intact. SVA needs to send letter of assurance annually. Will send addendum to provide space on tower for emergency services free of charge. Peter Neill complimented the select board for following up on this matter.


Acting Chairman Rossney to miss next several months meetings. Motion made and seconded to recommend that the select board appoint one of the alternates to a full position on the board, appoint Michael Rossney to an alternate position and check with Peter Atherton to see if he still has interest on serving on the board. Motion passed.


Next meeting to be held October 13, 2020 at fire station.


CEO Report:


CEO had discussion with Sara Byard regarding soil removal issue on Carter Point Road. CEO will monitor.



Motion made and seconded to adjourn, Motion passed. Adjourned at 19:59.


Respectfully submitted,

David A. Carter