Planning Board Meeting, October 13, 2020

13 October 2020

Planning Board Minutes

Called to order 19:03

Members present: (At Fire Station and by teleconference due to COVID-19) David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed, Peter Atherton

Others present:  CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Liaison Robert Publicover, Selectman Ben Astbury, William Grant, Mark Adamsky, David Bouffard, Bill Bowick

Andy Bowes stated that there was a quorum.

Motion made and seconded to accept September 2020 minutes as read.  Motion passed.

Old Business:

Appointments made by selectboard:

Peter Atherton to stay as full member

Michael Rossney to become alternate

Danny Weed to become full member


Motion made and seconded to elect Danny Weed as Chairman.  Motion passed.


Boreggo Solar was not awarded grant.  There was not enough diversity for grant.  To be considered for future round of grants.


Mark Adamsky of 37 Rock’s Lane presented application for a change of easement in subdivision.  Motion made and seconded to grant change.  Motion passed.


New Business:


William Grant presented plan for 60’x100’ storage building on Map 2, Lot 38A.  Motion made and seconded to deem this the pre-application conference under the Site Plan Review.  Motion passed.


Bill Bowick and David Bpouffard of 300 Reach Road presented plan to change use of 2 cabins on Map 11, Lot 3 and 1 cabin on Map 11, Lot 5 to be used as commercial rentals.  Buildings are not located in the shoreland zone.  Motion made and seconded to deem this the pre-application conference under the Site Plan Review.  Motion passed.


Next meeting to be held November 10, 2020 at fire station.


CEO Report:


Byard property issue has been taken care of.


Motion made and seconded to adjourn.  Motion passed.  Adjourned at 20:27 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

David A. Carter