Planning Board Meeting, 9 October 2018

9 October 2018

Called to order: 19:00

Members present: Acting Chairman Michael Rossney, Richard Doane, David Carter, Peter Neill,
Alternates: Danny Weed, Andy Bowes

Others present: CEO Tracy, Selectmen Liaison Publicover, Emera Reps, Bill Birdsall

Acting Chairman Rossney stated that there was a quorum

Motion made and seconded to accept previous minutes as read. Motion passed.

Old Business:
Wardwell Oil/No Frills Acting Chairman Rossney stated that this would be an application meeting.
Applicant has gone through checklist, met with CEO, may have to turn building to accommodate solar panels, questions concerning letters to abutters and copy of entrance permit.
Motion made and seconded to grant permit contingent on certified letters to abutters and copy of DOT entrance permit.
CEO to draw up permit to be signed next month.

New Business:
Emera Maine presented plan for project to expand electrical substation at intersection of Snow’s Cove and Old County Road to accommodate mobile substation. CES did environmental survey concerning filling in wetland. DEP permit not required because of small size of project. Army Corps of Engineers approved application. Planning Board suggested a couple of slight renovations, no permit required.

CEO Report: CEO suggested that Emera attend the meeting.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn. Motion passed. Adjourned at 20:20.