Planning Board Meeting, 4 April, 2021

4 April 2021


Planning Board Minutes


Called to order: 19:05


Members present: (by teleconference and at fire station due to COVID 19) David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Andy Bowes, Danny Weed, Michael Rossney


Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Robert Publicover, Mia Strong by teleconference


Chairman Weed stated that there was a quorum


Motion made and seconded to accept March 2021 minutes as read. Motion passed.


Old Business:


Selectmen Liaison Publicover to check on whether sub-committee meetings need to be public.


Mia Strong for Strong Brewing Co. – Strong Brewing has new replacement septic system design for all activities on property. Driveway okayed by road commissioner. Board went over checklist with applicant, some additional information is required.


New business:


Scott Ferden present to inquire about putting two cabins on 2.9 acre parcel as short term rentals. Gave Mr. Ferden some information.


CEO Report:


CEO met with Robert Gray regarding complaint from abutter.


Tasha’s has potential buyer.


Several projects going on.


Complaint about septic issue at site of camper behind Davis Piano.



Motion made and seconded to adjourn. Motion passed. Adjourned at 20:40.


Respectfully submitted,

David A. Carter