Marine Resources Committee – December 3, 2015
PRESENT: Dennis Desilvey, Chair, Bill Sweetland, John Higgins, Pete Douvarjo.
Dwayne Ford, Deputy Harbormaster
Selectmen, Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Ben Astbury
The Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Nelson Grindal began the discussion by pointing out that the design grant for $12,000 has not been signed. Apparently the grant was received in the town office in July and only two copies of the grant, as opposed to the three that were indicated can be located. This grant is through the Department of Agriculture and has different contacts than the construction grant for the dock. The plan is to have the selectmen sign the grant at their meeting tonight with minor amendments regarding the planning process which the Department of Agriculture has indicated they will accept. This will allow the town to vote on the construction grant at tonight’s special town meeting.
Concerns were raised by Ben Astbury and several members of the Committee but it was felt that, after discussion, the plan should move forward.
Regarding the construction grant, the members of the Marine Resources Committee as well as Nelson Grindal who has been designated as project coordinator by Neil Davis, will be meeting with the project coordinator from the DOT next Tuesday to review the plans and move forward with the project.
The meeting was adjourned at 1800
Next meeting January 7. 2016