Marine Resources Committee – August 3, 2023
August 3, 2023 – Marine Resources Committee meeting
Meeting was held at the town office at 5:00 p.m.
Present: Desmond Ashman, Brian Tripp, Eric Sass, Tony Everdell, Steve Blaisdell
Absent: Justin Limeburner
Stones alone are being washed away in heavy rains on steep portions of paving – Ashbury
has 20% stone dust mix to add to edges – Steve will connect with them
Life-ring and holder purchased from Hamilton Marine and installed by Eric on dock ramp in
mid-May – Steve to add 60′ of floating line
On July 15, there were 22 dinghies at the dock without 2023 dinghy stickers. We put
notifications in all of them. Just checked this morning, and there were only eight without
stickers. These got a second notice.
Desmond suggested a flag pole with solar lights to be placed in the area of the bench on
the banking – Committee agreed it was a good idea, and Desmond to get a quote from
Lucius Bridges so we can discuss it with the selectmen
Drew Allen, who mows the town office, will be asked by the selectmen to give a price to
mow around the dock area so Bill Grant can be relieved of this obligation
Dinghy and mooring fees for fishermen – too late this year for selectmen to approve – next
year remind them so warrant can be added for town meeting
“Commercial Dinghies Only” still needs to be routed on a board for the last dinghy dock –
maybe Justin can do this in his shop?
Approximately $33,000 in dock account
Keep funds to replace 1-2 finger floats each year
Plants on the edge of the grass above rip wrap are on order
Consider recommending parking and use of facility “for permit holders and Sedgwick
residents” only to selectmen – need a reinforcement remedy – Ben Astbury says “run by
MMA and town attorneys before discussing at town meeting”
We should make a list of all the uses of the town pier before making final decisions
on usage
Priority this fall: need to reattach the gangway to the main pier and replace the wooden
poles on the main float
Set and enforce a 30-minute tie-up limit on the main float