Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes June 6th, 2024

Town of Sedgwick
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday June 6th, 2024


Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford and C. Pert present. Also in attendance: D. Ford and L. Dow. And from the public; J. Wetterskog.

Read and approve minutes from the May 23rd and May 30th meetings- 2-0 approved as written.

Duane answered a request from Justin Franklin at 84 Horseshoe Lane to inspect new plumbing in the basement. Matt Eaton called about work needed on the shore on Stone Turtle. Duane told him that the owner was told that a plan needed to be submitted for safe repair/design of the steps to the shore. He was going to cut up downed trees for now. Received a call from Scott Parker about a building notification form for Hannah and Wilson Cusack’s new construction at 668 North Sedgwick Rd. Went to the site but Scott Parker was not there. The next day he sent specs for the house with attached ell & garage. Andrew Ceavil of BHHT called to discuss the small parking lot off Caterpillar Hill. Duane thought a request to add two parking spaces seemed okay. Adrian Smith on Black Pond holding off on building this year but may want a permit anyway.

1. Deer Isle/Sedgwick Bridge Walk- June 16th Susan will be there supporting the Sedgwick side. The bridge will be closed to vehicle traffic except for the bus taking people back and forth over the bridge.
2. Upcoming Hearings- June 27th renewal license for Strongs Brewing and a new license for Roaring Lion @ 7pm.
3. Audit Update- Management letter needed to be signed by the Selectmen to finish up. Should have completed audit by next week.
4. Town Report Update- Susan finished proofreading and received the photo from Barbara for the cover. These items and the audit are the final pieces needed to send to the printer.
5. Sign permits- 7pm.

1. The town received the check from the solar farm finally.
2. Susan has not had a chance to connect with Peter about the working to the basement at the Town Office.
3. Horace Wardwell complained about the bush overgrowth at the corner of Caterpillar Hill and Reach Roads. They are overgrown and have created quite a blind spot. Colby mentioned that this was DOT maintained and that they would be cutting soon, but those bushes are on private property.
4. Update on Barbara- She has had a few setbacks and not doing 100% Susan had a good conversation with her.
5. Colby – “God Bless the Men who went ashore in Normandy 80 year ago today.

ASSISTANT’S REPORT:1. Lyndsey gave a quick report on some computer issues in the office. One being a buggy update in trio that we have been asked to hold off on downloading.

Motioned and 2nd to adjourn. Approved 2-0 at 6:16pm



Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow