Appeals Board, June 7, 2007

Appeals Board, June 7, 2007


The Appeals Board reconvened their meeting at 4:35 Thursday, June 7, 2007.  Present were Chairman Eric Allen, Olney Grindall, Horace Wardwell, Tom Schroth, and Fred Marston.  Also present were CEO Duane Ford, Chairman of the Planning Board Palmer Little, Selectmen Nelson Grindal, Tom O’Connor, Planning Board member Sylvia Wardwell;  Larson representatives Chris Raphael, Bill Hanley; Jonathan Thomas and Peter Atherton.

All members of the Appeals Board met at the Larson cottage at 8 am Thursday May 31 to view the cottage. 

Chairman Eric Allen made a statement and then opened the meeting to statements and comments by the members of the Appeals Board.  There were still questions about the difference between a repair and rebuilding.  Comments were also made by Duane Ford, Palmer Little, and Nelson Grindal.    Mr Ford reiterated that this was not a repair application, it was for replacing portions of the foundation and adding an addition.  A repair does not need to come before the Planning Board.  Mr Little reminded the Board that the application had been denied twice by the Planning Board and asked that the Appeals Board deny it also.  Mr Grindal asked if an approval meant that the applicants had to do just exactly what had been applied for.

The Appeals Board voted to send the application back to the Planning Board for their signatures.   The vote was 4 in favor and one against the Larson application.


Barbara M. Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen