Selectmen’s Minutes, October 17, 2013

October 17, 2013

1) Opened the meeting at 6:25 pm and established a quorum.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

2) Read and approved the minutes of October 10.

3) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $63,408.25; $60,096.58 was for school expenses and $675 was for sludge disposal.

4) No public present to comment.

5) Old Business:  Davis has consulted with Steve Brown of Steve’s Computer Repair in Blue Hill to see just what the problems are that we need to have solved, and what the possibilities are for the programs that we want to use.  Possibly a pier-to-pier system, or something similar.  Work continues.
Haskell Electric:  Davis will contact again – the list is growing.
Office Hours:  Arrival early so contact with all staff can be made.  
Town Dock:  No money right now, more will be available soon.  Assistant to make contact with HCPC to see if there is any grant money or help available through the county.
Tax Reassessment:  Assessors working daily. 
Polka Valley property:  waiting for owners of G.M. Allen to get back from FL.
Special town meeting:  Posting done, just waiting for the day.
Additions to website:  Estimate from webmaster of $795 to set us and train us.  Grindal wants to catch up on information so will hold off decision until next week.
Dept of Labor work:  Depending on vote at special town meeting to approve the money.

6) New Business:  Planning on Nov. 5 elections.  Davis will prepare the Town House.

7) CEO Report:  Watching the work being done at Heppe property, update on cell tower additions, additions to wireless facility ordinance language, keeping track of work on the Pressman property, especially for the erosion control next to the shore.

8) No public comments

9) There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.