Selectmen’s Minutes September 5, 2013

September 5, 2013

1) Opened the meeting and established a quorum
Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Victor Smith
Also present:  Packet Reporter Bette Britt, Assistant Barbara Grindle, 
CEO Duane Ford

2) Read and approved the minutes of August 29.

3) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $61,621.89; $50,912.31 was for school expenses, $7,233.38 for salaries and $542.64 FICA taxes.

4) Steve Fill was in to check on deeds and boundaries on the Jim Pert property on Snow’s Cove Rd.  He also asked about the process to get an abatement for the assessment on the house.  Paperwork will be put in the assessing agent’s basket for referral when he comes.

5) Old Business:
The computer person will be in next week to talk with the staff.
We are still on the schedule for the electricity to be worked on.
Discussion of office hours will start next week.
There is paper work to be done for the dock grant.
Smith will follow up on the bulkhead doors.
The Carter Point Road problem may possibly be a personal problem; the town will not  get involved in civil affairs.

6) New Business:
Davis will contact Skip Eaton about the Walker Pond access road that has washed out during the last few days of torrential rain.  He will also contact Andrew McCullough to see if there are any suggestions to cover the ledge so it will not continue to wash out.
Signed the Constitution Week proclamation provided by the Daughters of the American Revolution.  Constitution Week is the week of Sept. 15 – 21.

7) CEO reported that there are several small actions going on in town.  He suggested that it might be possible to invite someone in to update the Planning Board on procedures and statutes.

8) There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm.

Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman