Selectmen’s Minutes, June, 20, 2013
June 20, 2013
Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith
Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Fire Chief/911 Officer David Carter, CEO Duane Ford, Arthur Anderson.
1) Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.
2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $6,548.04; one property tax overpay for $669.58, one general assistance for $465.20, and administration costs for RJD Appraisal, $2425 and $1380 for stamps accounted for most of the warrant.
3) Anderson was asking about house tax issues on his former house.
4) Grindal to get prices on fixing drainage issues in the cellar. Discussion on maintenance issues, including electrical and plumbing work as well as replacement of the bulkhead door.
5) Carter checked into the Fire Code for definitions and requirements for ‘reconstruction’ and ‘repair’. He will continue to look as the NAFTA books are written by lawyers and are difficult to understand.
6) There are problems to be fixed at the town landing in Sargentville according to the insurance inspector.
7) 911 Officer Carter will notify the owners of a property on North Cross Road that their address needs to be changed for access by emergency vehicles. According to RCC, North Cross Rd enters from Old County Rd and only goes to a washed-out bridge with no through access. The road, which is a town road, is discontinued for maintenance from the bridge to the Christy Hill Rd.
8) Voted 3-0, motion by Davis, to retain James Wadman, CPA as auditor.
9) Will meet with Attorney Parkinson at 6 pm Monday evening, July 1.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm
Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman