Selectmen’s Meeting, February 16, 2023

Minutes for Selectboard Meeting February 16, 2023

Members Present: Michael Sheahan, Colby Pert, Ben Astbury
Also present: Duane Ford, Susan Ford, Donna Beninati, Jerry Wetterskog (by conference call), Christine diPretoro

Motion to accept the minutes for 2/9 meeting as written. All in favor.

CEO Report:
1) Attended water quality issues training in Brewer. PFAS issues affect local schools ect. at present but – no testing facilities in Maine at this time. Town has access to DEP presentation on this.
2) Planning Board meeting did not have a quorum. Donna Beninati got PB member participation moving along as members committed to working on Comprehensive Plan update by taking a specific section to update.
3) Gisele Bridges checked in with questions about new home construction on their primary property on N. Sedgwick Rd.
4) Person called about placing an RV for full time residence off Old County RD and not having a septic system. Informed them about state plumbing rules.
5) John Gray Plumbing office called about inspecting interior plumbing at 169 Walker Pond Rd.
6) Attorney Ed Bearor checked in and would like a personal phone discussion tomorrow if possible.


Warrant Articles: Sheahan updated warrant articles for town report with changes and new warrant articles. Final warrant articles wait for budgetary decisions following a complete budget from the school board. Calculated that proposed 30% raise for municipal employees would result in $30,034 increase in Administration account including corresponding increase in FICA.

Donna Beninati: Started to work with the planning board to see who would be interested in taking on what elements. Moving forward with it. If people have interest in different parts of the plan, they can take ownership of it. Looking for other potential stakeholders. 1993 plan is posted to the town’s website. RBAC will have a meeting in a couple weeks. Meeting with Mission Broadband: Suggested that RBAC hold off on clawing back RBAC funds. Wouldn’t hurt to wait until CCI is completely done with the fiber buildout to see if all needs are met.

Julie Boardman of Garden Club asked to use Town House on Tues 5/16 from 4-6:30. Garden Club has own insurance to cover use. Approved by select board vote. All in favor.

Sheahan drafted a letter of support for the Community Resilience Partnership Grant application. Signed by select board and printed on town letterhead.

Received Rapid Renewal Application and contract from Infome. Select board will review for next meeting.

Adjourned at 6:36pm

Public Hearing: 7pm Zoe Tenney, Brock Muir in attendance from GSA. Other attendees: Susan Ford, Donna Beninati, Duane Ford, Christine diPretoro.

Closed hearing at 8pm