Selectmen’s Meeting, September 15, 2022

September 8, 2022

Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Colby Pert, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth).

After adding the amount of the Woodward estimate, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to approve them as amended.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $5,477.07: fire protection $757.60; town office $200; town dock $275; public access $19.17; clearing/m/v $3600; administration $625.

CEO REPORT: the work on Pertville is happening on weekends, there is no paperwork yet, will keep communication; town clerk is communicating with DEP’s Dawn Hurd, still no replacement for Jon Cullen; Keegan Ferro did an inspection, asked to get together to visit some properties; Smith’s on Black’s Pond need an onsite DEP visit, following up; need to visit Nesbitt shed with the contractor; roads are going in on Frank’s Flat, will do a visit with Selectman Pert.

DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1) New Tax Collector Hours – Starting 9/19 tax collector will be in the office on Monday 9-12, 1-4, Tuesday 9-12, 1-4, and Wednesday 9-12, 1-4. There will be no Thursday hours. Posted on website, mailchimp, and will be posted in usual places.
Efficiency Maine Incentives – There will be grant opportunities for energy efficiency in several municipal areas. May apply for the grant for fire station and office and other places if possible. Received financing for three heat pumps for the town office last year.
3) 9/15 Town Meeting Reminder – Meeting on September 15, 7 p.m. at the town office to approve extra finances for the snow contract and the transfer station.
4) Unresolved Business – a) received a special payment from the state of $7,925.24 for general assistance. These funds come from liquor sales during the pandemic. b) set September 29 for a public hearing to approve the new general assistance appendices which take effect October 1. c) Astbury met with Michael Palmer of Eustis Telecom regarding laying cable and fiber optics for broadband. They may put equipment and supplies on the left side of the ballfield for about 6 weeks, cannot block the roadway to the lifeflight landing, still waiting for approval from NTIA for hooking up but will continue laying cables and hope for approval soon d) Astbury will attend the Deer Isle Causeway meeting; Sheahan will attend a luncheon meeting on marijuana.

ASSISTANT’S REPORT: Need a hearing to approve new GA figures for 2023; received $7,925.24 from state for GA bonus; LRAP done, sign the paper and will mail tomorrow; Tree Growth report nearly done.

ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant