Selectmen’s Meeting January 14, 2021

January 14, 2021
Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Kate Tompkins.

Read and made adjustments to the minutes of the last meeting. Moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to approve the minutes as amended.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for 13,186.98; fees $311, clearing m/v $3,534.75, administration $7,003.79, sludge $120, town office $285.43, town dock $274.01, general assistance $1,658.

CEO REPORT: Answering building inspection questions; solar panel on new construction; a building notification on a shed; taxpayer question on possible subdivision, gave him a subdivision ordinance; issues on work being done on Black’s Pond; inspecting indoor plumbing. Planning Board request for an ordinance regulating small rentals, etc. could be difficult to write, looking at other town’s ordinances. Really busy for this time of year.

FIRE CHIEF UPDATE: Firefighters have been moved up to Tier 1A for COVID vaccinations. PAC will administer the shots. EFG grant application open, could update the 2 remaining SBA and get a drier for them. May need a grant for the rescue vehicle, having dependability issues and some rust.

DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1) Town Meeting/Election Discussion (continued) – Discussion on town meeting and regulation information by Maine Municipal Association. Agreed to hold election on Mar. 5.
2) Pest Control –Waiting for response from one company.
3) Any Unresolved Business – Updates: Speigal letter on table to be signed, ACO officer says Small Animal Clinic is the only option for animals at this time. Tax Collector will come up with number of totes for files, No transfer station meeting because of resignation of a selectman in Blue Hill.

ACTION ITEMS: Sheahan: I move that we hold our municipal election on March 5, 2021, and hold the budget portion of town meeting either by open town meeting or by referendum on a date to be determined before June 30, 2021. Motion seconded and roll call vote 3-0.

ASSISTANT’S REPORT: YMCA request received late. Selectmen referred it to Budget Committee.


ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and roll call vote to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant