Selectmen’s Meeting, January 7, 2021

January 7, 2021

Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Superintendent Christopher Elkington, Jerry Wetterskog, Kate Tompkins, Kelly Samperi, Christine diPretoro, Jennifer Osborn).
There being no errors or omissions in the three previously unapproved records, moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to approve the minutes of December 17, December 24, and December 31.
Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrants for the three previous weeks.
CEO REPORT: Having good communication with residents, a new bathroom acceptable on Carter Point residence, a septic plan for Fox Run subdivision, State says ‘no septics in frozen ground!’, a question regarding the town ROW on Silvermine Road, potential sale of a farmhouse and property on Carter Point, can it be subdivided and what are the shoreland setbacks?, a septic design for Bayview Ave, zoning on Rope Ferry Road, building notification for a shed, and a power pole on Old County Rd. Plans and paperwork for the Planning Board meeting Tuesday evening.
FIRE CHIEF UPDATE: Astbury reported that Chief Carter was attending a Covid vaccine planning meeting. Chief reported in later and reported that the meeting was informative, vaccines are not getting here as needed, but Peninsula Ambulance and Bar Harbor Fire Dept will be doing the local area shots for first responders. The report of the Department is in the office for the Town Report. There were 208 calls for service in 2020.
DISCUSSION ITEMS: School Board – Budget Discussion – Elkington has sent the budget as approved by the School Board. There is an increase of .086% in total overall budget, but a .08% reduction to taxpayers due to a surplus in food service. He explained that a new roof is necessary for $52,000. There are fewer students and fewer teachers budgeted for next year. The audit will be ready shortly. There has been a new transportation contract and the Union has purchased a small van for transport to avoid renting a large bus for small groups. Brookin and Sedgwick are working together for some special ed which has saved each having a teacher and ed tech. The GSA tuition increase is not in the current budget; it will be in a separate warrant article. The Board has attempted to make the budget the same as last year, help has come in the form of the federal funds, some of which don’t have to be spent until 2023 and may be used as needed.
2) Town Meeting/Election Discussion (continued) – Sheahan commented that the timeline for a referendum was tight. The absentee ballots must be at the printer on Jan. 19 and then there would need to be a public hearing, all before the Town Meeting on March 5.After more discussion it was decided to hold the election on March 5 and the actual town meeting later. Clerk will check with Maine Municipal to see if the election must be in-person, absentee ballot or a combination before a final decision can be made.
3) Pest Control – Decided to get information and perhaps bids from three companies before making a final decision.
4) Any Unresolved Business – Astbury will contact Animal Control Officer before signing contract with the Small Animal Clinic.
Tax Collector requested some totes to put files in to keep them from being destroyed by animals. Get information on how many she needs and discuss next week.
ACTION ITEMS: Vote on Town Meeting/Election Format? Will discuss next week after information regarding ballots is received.
ASSISTANT’S REPORT: Non-profit deadline has passed, deadline for committee reports is tomorrow, working on the Annual Town Report.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:30

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant