Selectmen’s Minutes, December 10, 2020



December 10, 2020


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan).  Also present:  Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Christine diPretoro, Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth).


One adjustment in the records as read, moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to approve the minutes as amended.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $139,083.89:  education $117,183.63, clearing/mv $4,821.06, fees $256, administration 237.20, sludge $240, snow $10,296, Town House painting $5,450, general assistance $600.


CEO REPORT:  processing paperwork for building notifications and a pier and float on Silvermine Road.  The Planning Board would like as much information as possible for the pier and float so CEO sent maps by email to each member of the board.  The planning board would also like the selectmen to discuss a moratorium on airbnb’s and solar installations.  Sheahan will check with MMA on existing moratoriums, but noted that a moratorium would not affect the solar farm in Sargentville because their application has already been approved by the board.


FIRE CHIEF REPORT:  Everything relatively quiet, Deer Isle chief is looking at an extractor to be purchased by the four towns.  Sedgwick’s portion would be paid for out of The Sedgwick Volunteer Association’s funds.  Checking in with the Budget Committee Monday evening.


DISCUSSION ITEMS:  1)  Town Meeting/Election Discussion – Thinking some more on how to get the warrant articles out to the taxpayers.  Clerk suggested holding elections, recessing until later in the spring to hold the business part of the meeting.  Sheahan will talk with Blue Hill about combining their articles for referendum voting.

2)  Consolidated Communications/Broadband – Publicover will be attending a meeting on Friday and will have more information available.  Wetterskog volunteered to help if needed.

3)  Any Unresolved Business – Publicover:  Studevant property beside the Walker Pond Access is being trespassed upon and vandalized.  Walker Pond committee discussing installing a fence or signage.  Publicover will check with Studevant to see what they prefer.  They would also like to make renovations on a cabin and boathouse, turned this over to CEO to handle.

Tax Collector asked about allowing taxpayers to make payments.  Would have to come up at a town meeting to be approved.

We also have a continual mouse/rat/squirrel issue.  Decided to call Modern Post to have them take care of it.  Will ask tax collector to contact them and set up a time when she will be available to let them in.

Thank you to the Brooklin Garden Club for the lovely Christmas wreath received this week.

There will be a public sand/salt pile at the back of the Town Office as soon as possible.


Next week will decide on Town Meeting, broadband, and animal control contract.  There will be no selectmen’s meeting on December 24 and 31.


PUBLIC COMMENT:  diPretoro asked about erosion on the Carter Point Access which is on the point of land coming into the Benjamin River.  It needs to be considered soon because the wind and waves are eroding the bank and the trees are blowing down. The neighbors are looking into their shore line also.   Selectmen will look at the area and report back to the next meeting.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant