TOWN OF SEDGWICKSELECTMEN’S MEETINGJanuary 27, 2011Selectmen present:Nelson Grindal, Colby Pert, Victor SmithAlso present:CEO Duane Ford, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Richard Greenfield, Mia Strong.1)Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted.2)Signed Treasurer’s warrant of $1,782.96.3)Approved Local Food and Community Self-Governance Ordinance for town meeting warrant 3-0.4)Approved Fire Department budget 3-0.5)Signed 1 Veteran’s Exemption.6)Paul Trowbridge sent a ‘Letter of Response’ to the wind tower ordinance.Mr. Trowbridge is a member of the committee drawing up the ordinance.7)Voted for the Treasurer to purchase some needed office supplies. 3-08)Voted to have the town meeting open Friday, March 4 from 12:45, at which time the moderator will be elected, the polls to be open from 1-6, and Saturday, March 5 to open at 9 am for taking up the warrant articles.We will have 800 Annual Town Reports available for the residents of town to pick up.Voted 3-09)CEO and Selectmen went into executive session to discuss salaries and legal issues.Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman 19:03:262015-11-02 15:43:09Selectmen’s Minutes, January 27, 2011