Selectmen’s Minutes, Aug. 12, 2010
August 12, 2010
Selectmen Present: Nelson Grindal, Colby Pert, Victor Smith
Also present: Health Officer Dr. Dennis DeSilvey, Road commissioner Paul Carter, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Packet reporter Jessica Brody.
1) Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted.
2) Signed treasurer’s warrant for $10,320.12.
3) The Health Officer explained the situation on Pertville Road. He also had been advised to check on compensation for his expenses. Discussion on whether it is a town responsibility or a state one. Decided to pay him mileage from the town funds and check into the state responsibilities.
4) He also discussed some harbor concerns. The Harbor Committee needs to meet and become active in the Town Landing affairs.
5) All town officials have been given notice not to go on the Patten/4 Winds property without express permission from the family. Clerk Cindy Reilly was given a list of officials and employees to notify of this.
6) Discussion on the town dock and floats. We need to address the number of dingys and floats. More dingys are tying up than there are spaces for them.
7) The agreement has been signed with Basil Ladd for the access to Walker Pond. This was signed by the 3 selectmen from Sedgwick and the 3 selectmen from Brooksville and notarized by the Town Clerk of Brooksville. Copies were sent to James Patterson, lawyer for Sedgwick and Brooksville and Barry Mills, lawyer for Basil Ladd.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7 pm.
Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman