Selectmen’s Meeting, April 2, 2020



April 2, 2020


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan (on the phone).  Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Chief David Carter and Jerry Wetterskog (on the phone).

There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 in a roll call vote to accept the minutes as written.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s report (Sheahan will be in tomorrow) for $99,454.01; education $74,652.55, Webb Excavating $14,006.90, RCC $705.64, administration: salaries $7,733.36, taxes $651.06, mileage $87.98, fees $110.60, M/V clearing $336, I/F clearing $352.25, H/F clearing $25, A/C clearing $6, fire protection $666.67.


CEO REPORT:  Daily stuff going on.  Checked in with Steve Blaisdell about the town dock erosion application for a grant, will write a letter of support.  An addition to a house, questions on the solar farm, which will go to public hearing this month, and a pier permit for the Planning Board also.  Everything is keeping active.


FIRE CHIEF UPDATE: (via phone) Things are quiet but are changing daily.  The ambulance is not getting their usual amount of calls, therefore the fire department isn’t called out.  Keeping in touch with other departments weekly.  Will try to keep selectmen up to date weekly also.


DISCUSSION ITEMS:  S.J. Rollins billed us for a service call and then we had problems after they left.  Should we pay their bill?  Astbury will call and discuss it with them.

Office Computer Assessment:  Wetterskog has examined the documents and thinks they are pretty good.  A good price for replacement of tax collectors computer, but confused by the upgrade, and not impressed by google doc program.  He will call and will be given the authorization to discuss it.

The new phone line is working well.

Ulbrich sent information for a warrant article for the Mill Pond-Eggemoggin Reach project.  Not ready to do it yet, more paperwork to do, and the work would be better done after the pandemic is over and a town meeting face-to-face.


ACTION ITEMS:  Transition computer support:  Last year S.J. Rollins $800-$1000.

Replace Hub computer:  Tabled until Wetterskog can discuss with Compusult.

Signed all of the appointments except Animal Control Officer.  Roll Call vote unanimous not to appoint him this year.  Astbury will notify him.


ASSISTANT’S REPORT:  Getting the files together for the spring work by RJD.

One General Assistance request approved by the selectmen.  Some updates from the state regarding emergency requests received.  Assistant will be in the office to process any requests.  Please make appointments or come in on Tuesday afternoon from 1-5 for general assistance.


PUBLIC COMMENT:  Wetterskog and Chief David thanked the selectmen for doing a good job under trying circumstances.  Selectmen thanked both of them for their valuable help in keeping things going.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, moved, seconded, voted by roll call 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant