Selectmen’s Meeting, October 31, 2019

October 31, 2019

Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Jerry and Allison Wetterskog, Chris DiPretoro, CEO/LPI Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to approve the minutes of the last meeting with one slight change. (Astbury called Emera about the priority of power to the Benjamin River Apartments, not about emergency power.)

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $57,775.03; school $57093.81, administration $49, property tax overpay $18.23, sludge $240, town office $313.99, fire protection $60.

CEO REPORT: Met John Cullen of DEP and walked a right of way with the owner. She needs a permit by rule for the footbridge. Following up on files at Carter Point, applied for a DEP permit, working with Steve Blaisdell on the erosion at the town landing. Change of use for a building within the shoreland zone, following up on work at Salt Pond residence, demolishing a house on Silvermine Rd, an addition on a Ridge Road home, and working with Andy McCollough on a Sargentville property.

DISCUSSION ITEMS: TRIO Conversion: We have real estate, sketching, tax billing, and tax collection modules for an annual cost of $4,200. If we add SQL conversion it will be $1,800 for the 21 hours of state required training for motor vehicle and cash accounting modules. Still working out the actual annual costs after the initial purchase and training costs.
Budget timeline: Meeting Monday evening to elect a chairman and start the process.
Generator at Benjamin River Apts: Sheahan discussed the situation with the Orono office. They are doing the best they can, there is a generator and it is maintained as well as possible. When working it supplies cold water to the apartments and heat to the Community Room.
Sludge Disposal Policy: Towns are not required to pay for sludge disposal, just make sure there is a place for disposal. Amended the current policy to read “The Town of Sedgwick will pay a rate of $.06 per gallon toward the documented disposal of the contents of not more than 2 septic tanks, once per taxpayer/property owner and not to exceed 2000 gallons in any given calendar year. The total cost for such disposal is not to exceed $120 per taxpayer/property owner in any given calendar year. The Town of Sedgwick will not participate in the pumping of grease traps, nor will the Town of Sedgwick pay for the pumping of any other form of waste. Those expenses shall be the responsibility of the taxpayer/property owner.”
Selectmen moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to approve the amended septic policy.

ASSISTANT’S REPORT: Assistant asked if the Marriage Book 1790-1927 could be placed on the town website. Conditional approval was given subject to the size of the book and space available on the website.

ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant