Selectmen’s Meeting, November 8, 2018
November 8, 2018
Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover. Also present: CEO Frank Tracy, Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.
There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded, and voted 2-0 to accept them as written.
Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $5,173.61: motor vehicle clearing $2,099.50, fees $94, property tax overpay $73.73, general assistance $548, fire protection $494.61, administration (includes ballot clerks) $1,257.10, plumbing $265, road signs $297.67.
NEW BUSINESS: Continued discussion on combining propane and fuel suppliers for a better price.
Election: Nearly 700 voted out of approximately 1000 registered voters. Astbury will invite the new county commissioner to a meeting so we can get acquainted with one another.
Budget committee will meet with selectmen and assistant to start the budget process. May be several new items to consider for the annual town meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: Accepted and filed the final agreement with DOT regarding the Hales Hill Bridge. Received a letter regarding the Benjamin River Bridge project and will discuss with Brooklin before finalizing it.
CEO checked with TNT Auto Salvage to see how things are going. Received a copy of his unregistered quit claim deed and made sure that state licenses have been received.
CEO REPORT: Presented selectboard with his daily journal report. Concerned about the town attorney and a conflict of interest with another case. Astbury will discuss with her. The health officer mentioned a case on South Cross Road that probably should be checked – CEO reported to selectmen. It’s a job for the health officer not the CEO at this point.
Will not be in for the December 13 meeting, instead will be in a training session.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 2-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant