Appeals Board, Tues., Sept. 16, 2008
The Sedgwick Appeals Board met at the Sedgwick Town Office on Tuesday, September 16, 2008. Members present were Fred Marston, Chairman, Pam Johnson, Danny Weed, Tom Schroth and Philip Urban. Also present were Palmer Little, chairman of the Planning Board, Duane Ford, CEO, Nelson Grindal, First Selectman, all of Sedgwick, Cliff Goodall, Jim Patterson, Lee Patten, Mrs Patten’s sister and husband, and Mr & Mrs Jonathan Thomas of the Weekly Packet.
The meeting was opened by Chairman Marston at 6:30 pm. He reviewed the notices of postings and advertising of the series of meetings, introduced the court reporter, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle, and the members of the Board. He then proceeded to explain the appeal of Mrs Patten, Trustee of the Maine Trust, Four Winds, for Shoreland Zoning and Floodplain Management permits for the Four Winds property, Map 2, Lot 4 on the town’s tax maps. Mr Goodall is the attorney representing the property owners.
The chairman asked if there were reasons for any members of the board to abstain from this hearing. Mr Urban explained that he was an abutter to the property, and even though he felt that he could be fair and unbiased, he didn’t wish to put the board in a position where their decision could be considered tainted, therefore he would recuse himself. The rest of the Board, after discussion, accepted his decision. Since there is no alternate at this time, it was agreed that if one could not be found in time for the site visit, that the present board would serve, with a tie vote considered a denial of the appeal. Mr Grindal said that the selectmen would do their best to get another person, but given the size of the town and difficulty of finding qualified persons to serve, he couldn’t promise to find someone.
Mr Patterson, attorney for the Town of Sedgwick, explained that he would be serving as an advisor of procedures only. As he also represented the Planning Board, he had been asked to remove himself. After discussing the matter with several state boards, he decided that he could not advocate for the Appeals Board, but he could advise them. The Board had no objections to this decision.
Mr Goodall had prepared binders for each member of the Board and, he as he gave them out, he explained the exhibits in the binders to everyone. Mr Mattson, septic designer, and Mr Cote, contractor representative, were listed as witnesses and will be present to answer questions.
After a reminder of the schedule of meetings, including a site visit on Wednesday, Sept 24, at 5 pm and another meeting after the visit, the Chairman announced that this appeal is being taken very seriously and the board is anxious to do a good and proper job.
The schedule of meetings is: Wed., Sept 24, site visit @ 5 pm; town office @ 6pm
Wed., Oct. 8, Town Office @ 6:30 pm; Wed., Oct. 22, Town Office @ 6:30 pm
Wed., Nov. 5, Town Office @ 6:30 pm; Wed., Nov 19, Town Office @ 6:30 pm
Meetings will be held until the appeal is decided.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 pm.
Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen