Selectmen’s Minutes, March 22, 2018

Selectmen’s Minutes, March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018
Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Christine dePretoro, Fire Chief David Carter, CEO Duane Ford,
There being no minutes of the last meeting available yet, there was no action.
Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $62,659.75.
NEW BUSINESS: Fire Chief Carter reported that the pre-paint inspection on the new Fire Engine was Mar. 19 at the factory in Pennsylvania . He said it was a good trip, and really worthwhile. They met with four different heads of departments at the factory early that morning and he was very impressed with the people. They listened to the factory input and the Sedgwick Firefighters came up with a few functional changes making it a much more user-friendly truck. Those changes are going to cost about $5,200 while still keeping the total under the approved $330,000. There were no quality issues at all as far as the chief was concerned. The chief and one other will return to the factory on April 27th for the pump acceptance test and to drive it to Sedgwick. It may be another week after that before being put into service.
The Selectmen set a special Town Meeting for the final fire engine financing option on April 12, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Town Office.
Ben spoke with the Town Attorney Jim Patterson about setting up a meeting around the first of April at the Town Dock. Mr. Patterson is also anticipating his retirement in June. His partner Dianne is willing to keep working with and for the Town. She has municipal experience including the town of Blue Hill.
A citizen asked Publicover if the Town was planning on selling the old gang plank from the town landing. Astbury & Sheahan both said there are hopes to use it as a ramp on Walker Pond to keep swimmers away from the boat launch area and get out onto a float safely for swimming.
Under public comments: Christine dePretoro is “bummed “about the new school principal resigning. She feels the Selectmen should be involved in the search/interview process. Astbury responded that if there is an appetite for that on the School Board level we would be happy to help.”
OLD BUSINESS: Finding a new Planning Board Alternate is on going. Astbury feels someone with experience in the building trades would be an asset.
Sheahan has communicated with the Maine Municipal Association regarding Executive Session transparency and process.
Sheahan has yet to hear back on the Hales Hill Road bridge inspection and has sent another email to Joel Kittredge DOT
The Disaster Warming Center at the school: Sheahan wants to make sure it doesn’t get dropped off the radar. Astbury is willing to contact Andrew X. Sankey, Director of Hancock County Emergency Management Agency about meeting with the Selectmen and invite the School Principal and Superintendent.
Additional public comment involves an email from Patricia C. Egan complimenting the Selectmen, Budget Committee and all involved in organizing the Town Meeting. Astbury thanked her and forwarded the mail to the Budget Committee Chair Zoe Robbins.
Sheahan wanted to make sure we were still on top of sending an accounting of the Salt Pond access road building to the Next Generation Foundation. Astbury has spoken with the road commissioner who promises it by the end of the month.
Astbury, as Chairman, will ask Barbara if she wants his help with organizing the agenda.
CEO REPORT: Looking around for grant money to deal with the erosion problem at the town dock. Duane is not optimistic but is not giving up. He was in contact with a citizen who wants to put a float on the Bagaduce. The CEO sent him a permit form and told him the next step is to go to the DEP for the rest of the permitting process. Will coordinate with Cindy on several items including getting a certified copy of the Shore Land Zoning Ordinance sent to the DEP for final approval. Also, to put together a fee schedule to be voted on by the Selectmen.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Publicover, Second Selectman