Marine Resources Committee – March 2017
MARCH 2, 2017
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Sweetland, Pete Douvarjo Brian Tripp, Dwayne Ford
The dock has been completed and erosion matting has been placed on the bank temporarily until proper
measures can be taken. There are a few items regarding the completion of the dock that remain to be
negotiated with Eaton Construction.
Bill Sweetlnd will be working on a punch list of items that need to be completed on the dock. Overall the
project has turned out very well.
Neil Davis then discussed the need for a ten year plan regarding the town landing. Items discussed
1. A larger float at the end of the dock.
2. Better facilities for the commercial users of the harbor
3. Improvement of the drivable areas of the waterfront.
Consideration will be given to seeking funding from the Hancock County Commission since SHIP funds
will not be available until 2-18. One on the consideration was to use the SHIP funding for construction of
a new ramp however meeting requirements would necessitate a much large ramp than we have now.
Discussion then was held regarding the 100 foot Right of Way that the town apparently has regarding
the town landing and given that there is no need to go back to the owners of the property for and
additional permissions.
There was discussion of the need for a sign to keep motorized traffic off the new dock and consideration
will be given to such a sign.
April 29th will be a work day to clear brush and trees and increase the available parking area.
Consideration will also be given to having a designated section of the dock for commercial boats.
The meeting adjourned at 1800
Dennis DeSilvey Chair and recording secretary.