Selectmen’s Meeting, December 14. 2017

December 14, 2017

Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Colby Pert, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Bob Publicover, Jim Dow, Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

There being no errors or omission in the minutes of the last meeting, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to dispense with reading of the records and accept them as written.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $182,803.53; education for $174,124.13, general assistance $3,214.81, sludge $720, administration $344.24, fire protection $587.02, abatement $80.38, and property overpay $114.30.

NEW BUSINESS: Called Brooklin about posting the Hales Hill Road but haven’t heard back yet. Question: has the Hales Hill bridge been inspected recently? Need to check on this.
Signed the Emergency Management Service contract and sent it to Andrew Sankey, Director.
Signed the contract with the Small Animal Clinic in Ellsworth for the care of animals brought by the Animal Control Officer.
Jim Dow, personal representative of the estate of Pam Johnson, walked the property lines with Pert and Astbury. Signed a boundary line agreement for the property. Dow will record the agreement.

OLD BUSINESS: Budget Committee notified of some changes in administrative budget figures.
Discussed a warming center at the school. Decided to invite EMS Director Sankey, Emergency Preparedness Officer Royce Varnum and Fire Chief David Carter to a meeting to discuss the center sometime after the holidays.
Should we upgrade our internet speed? We now have 3 mg, to upgrade to 25 mg would be an extra $401 per year. Suggested upgrading to 15 mg which would be about $20 per month more. More discussion next week.
Waived three foreclosure. Must find an owner for a fourth piece of property.
Roofing paper put down on the handicap ramp and on the front steps by Sheahan.

CEO REPORT: Met with the Planning Board Tuesday and worked on the basic Shoreland Zoning program. They hope to have it ready for a February hearing before Town Meeting’s presentation.

ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant