Selectmen’s Minutes, September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017

Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Colby Pert, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Christine diPretoro, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer/clerk Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to dispense with reading the minutes of the last meeting and accept them as written.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $1,183.35; RJD Appraisal $540, other administration bills $83.35, sludge $120, TJW mowing $175, plumbing $265.

NEW BUSINESS: Discussed a business proposal sent by a taxpayer regarding the First Baptist Church, which is owned by the Historical Society.
The planning board, which met Tuesday evening, had questions about a piece of property which seems to have graveling activity.
Signed a quit claim deed, signed the tree growth report, received an estimate for the Trio program for 2018 and 2019 for budgeting purposes.

OLD BUSINESS: Filling two vacancies on the Landscape Committee. diPretoro will serve as one and has looked at the drawings. Hope to have a meeting soon.
Pert attended the planning board meeting Tuesday evening and answered questions about the Salt Pond Access road. The permit to continue the road and build a parking lot was approved by the board. DEP’s John Cullen was present when the selectmen checked out the proposed parking area and has approved the work already done. The state’s Permit By Rule has been approved by DEP.
Reminder of the Marijuana Panel meeting Monday evening in Blue Hill.
The light in the Meeting House polling booth has been fixed compliments of Paul Gallo. Thank you, Paul.

CEO REPORT: Checking on the mobile home park on the Mines Road which is back on the market. Several land use questions, change of use on a piece of property possible, FairPoint is changing its name and the signage will be changed. Same size just different lettering.

ADJOURN: Adjourned at 6:30 p.m. for the public hearing on the General Assistance Appendices.

PUBLIC HEARING: Opened at 6:30 p.m. Discussion on requirements for qualifying for benefits, and their ability to change some of them but decided not to change any and to go with the state requirements for Hancock County. Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adopt the Appendices as presented by the Department of Health and Human Services, General Assistance Office. Adjourned the Public Hearing at 6:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant