Selectmen’s Minutes, August 3, 2017

August 3, 2017
Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Colby Pert, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Tax Collector Elizabeth Gray, Assistant Barbara Grindle, and a representative from Blue Hill Heritage Trust.
With no errors in the minutes, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to dispense with reading the minutes of the last meeting and accept them as written.
Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant as presented by the tax collector for $81,969.10; education $64,063.85, town road expenses $5,165, Walker Pond road expenses $480, general assistance $985, salaries and FICA taxes $7,594.11.
NEW BUSINESS: Falls Bridge work – is there any contingency in place for detours other than Hale’s Hill? Is there going to be a weight limit on trucks? Astbury will attend the public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, August 8.
Brooklin-Sedgwick bridge is on the DOT schedule for 2018.
May need to do some more work on the Walker Pond Road, it is getting washboardy.
BHHT has signed the purchase option for the Caterpillar Hill property. They have 1 year in which to raise the money. Asked if the Town would object to getting a grant through the Trust’s grant writers in return for the land where we have a ROW to Walker Pond. Pert will attend a planned site visit before a decision is made. Discussion will be next week after seeing if it could work with no monetary investment by the Town.
The Harbor Committee asked for a 18” x 18” bulletin board for the Town Dock. Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to allow up to $250 for the bulletin board.
Appointed Deanne Grimmig moderator for the August 24 special town meeting.
Will look at the old policy folder and discuss the policies next week. Assistant will write up the sludge policy with current date for signing next week.
OLD BUSINESS: Salt Pond: Astbury will call the town attorney to make sure the deed has been recorded. Road commissioner is anxious to get started on the road.
Clerk is drawing up the new marijuana ordinance re the sample one from MMA.
“Honey do” do list continues for the town office: wall outlets in both rooms, phone cords moved, also in both rooms, covering of some kind over the back door.
ASSISTANT’S STUFF: General assistance request for a funeral/cremation. Approved $785, the maximum provided by the state’s ordinance 3-0.
Approved 3-0 a request for the Town House for a memorial service for Clinton Trowbridge on September 2.
Time to mow the fields at the Town Office and the old landfill. Moved, seconded and voted for Astbury to call Tobey Woodward and George Leach to see if they are interested in doing the mowing.
CEO REPORT: CEO out of town. Left message that he is working on a letter for the selectmen to sign giving him and Steve Blaidsell authorization to act on the application to the DEP and other agencies to secure a permit for the erosion problem at the town dock areas.
PUBLIC COMMENT: No public present.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn at 6:55 p.m.
Barbara Grindle, Assistant