Selectmen”s Meeting, Tues., Nov. 13, 2007

Town of Sedgwick Maine

Selectmen’s Meeting

November 13, 2007  Tuesday  3:30PM 

 Selectmen present:  Chairman Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants:  Selectman’s Assistant Barbara Grindle and Code Enforcement Officer Duane Ford. 

  1. Approved the minutes of the November 8, 2007 selectmens meeting.


  1. CEO Ford presented an update on several code violations occurring in town.


  1. Selectmen approved hiring a surveyor to map out two public access points  which are owned by the town; one on the Salt Pond and a second on the Bagaduce River.

 The meeting was adjourned at 5:10PM  

Respectfully submitted,   

Tom O'ConnorThird   Selectman