Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Sept. 11, 1007
Town of Sedgwick Maine
Selectmen’s Meeting
September 11, 2007 Tuesday 3:30PM
Selectmen present: Chairman, Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Andrew McCullough and Selectman’s assistant Barbara Grindle.
- Approved the minutes of the September 6, 2007 selectman’s meeting.
- Mr. McCullough has been hired by the town to do the engineering work on the town owned property on Walker Pond. He and selectmen discussed what needed to be done to get the work underway. He suggested that we needed to hire a wetland scientist to study the area and come up with a plan for the wet areas of the property. He also suggested that we need additional site survey work done to be included in the final plan. Both suggestions were approved and Mr. McCullough will make the arrangements.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom O'Connor Third Selectman