Selectmen’s Minutes, January 28, 2016



January 28, 2016


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal.  Also present:  Budget committee members Horace Wardwell, Paul Trowbridge, Leslie Schneider, Interim Superintendent Bob Webster, School board members Clare Grindal, Martha Brill, Principal Don Buckingham, Al and Mia Strong, Elizabeth Gray, Robert Jones, Garry Schneider, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


Read and voted to approve the minutes as written.


Read, reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $7,979.40; $447.86 to Emera, $1,186 for General Assistance, $4,172.70 for road salt, and $306.07 for town office equipment ( a rug for the handicap entrance and a recorder for the selectmen’s office), and $319 for town records.


BUDGET:  The school department’s final budget is in.  Webster discussed increases in the budget, including the increase in pupils in the elementary and secondary schools and special education.  He will get the warrant articles, etc. for the town report to the assistant as soon as possible.

The committee discussed the snow removal contract and also the contract with the state for the salt/sand shed at their Snow Cove site.

Selectmen and committee discussed the town’s budget figures.


OLD BUSINESS:  Grants are in place for the repairs and replacements at the Town Dock.  Work will be done this spring.


NEW BUSINESS:  Mia and Al Strong checked on the status of the entertainment ordinance to be presented at the town meeting.  There will be a public hearing in February.


It was moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to have public hearings on February 18, 2016 to present the new Floodplain Ordinance required by the state, the changes made by the Planning Board to the Site Plan Ordinance, and the Entertainment Ordinance.


Received a letter from a taxpayer regarding road damages, put it in the road commissioner’s basket for his review.


CEO REPORT:  Ford discussed the time for the public hearing on the Floodplain Ordinance and presented a map showing the zones and areas of adjustment required by the federal government.


ADJOURN:  Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to meet at 4:30 pm, Thursday Feb. 4, to attend to the finalizing of the budget.

There being no further business, it was moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn at 8:12 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Benjamin Astbury, Selectman