Selectmen’s Minutes, January 14, 2016



January 14, 2016


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal.  Also present:  Leslie and Garry Schneider, Bob Comerford, Paul Trowbridge, Horace Wardwell, Robert Jones, Bob Publicover, Havilah Hawkins, Dennis Desilvey, reporter from the Ellsworth American, CEO Duane Ford, Tax Collector Belinda Rooney, Treasurer/Clerk Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to accept the minutes as presented.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $6,830.50; the largest bill paid was for auditing the town books, $4,969.25; general assistance for $833 to Emera Maine.


OLD BUSINESS:  Selectmen discussed and agreed to abate taxes on a piece of property as the new owner is now responsible and has placed a deposit.  Moved, seconded, voted 3-0 to accept and sign abatement form.

Caterpillar Hill Initiative tax issue – selectmen read the request and tabled it pending receipt of paperwork.

Discussed the town budget with the budget committee.

Discussed a letter from the planning board regarding procedures and liability in the Site Plan Review Ordinance.  Assistant will send to Maine Municipal Association for a written response.


CEO REPORT:  Busy with new permits, applications, etc.  Will be attending an LPI/CEO meeting in Ellsworth on Tuesday on the new shoreland zone ordinance changes. Invited Robert Jones, chairman of the planning board, to attend.


PUBLIC HEARING: Opened the hearing at 7 pm to view, discuss and hear suggestions on the drawings of the replacement of the town dock system.  Grindal explained the drawing and answered questions from those present.

Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to conclude the public hearing at 7:30 pm.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, it was moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn at 7:34 pm.


Ben Astbury, Selectman